1 Good Health the Aloe Way FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS Property of Forever Living Products (India ) Pvt. Ltd.2 CONTENTS Aloe...


Good Health

Property of Forever Living Products (India ) Pvt. Ltd.



– the Aloe Way


Aloe Vera, an Introduction ....................................................................... 1 Different Uses of Aloe .............................................................................. 2 Elements in Stabilized Aloe Vera Gel ........................................................ 4 Healing and Prevention with Aloe ............................................................ 6 Diseases of the Digestive System .............................................................. 7 When your Body Shouts for Help . . . Listen and Act ................................. 8 Aloe Vera in Relation to Immune System Function ..................................... 9 Prevention of Pre-mature Ageing and Disease ....................................... 10 Aloe & Health ....................................................................................... 11 In a Nutshell, Aloe Vera Gel ................................................................. 12 The Use of Aloe Vera in Dentistry .......................................................... 13 Dental Care and Aloe Vera ................................................................... 15 Testimony 1 : “Aloe Vera Changed My Life” ............................................. 19 Testimony 2 : Losing Battle ...................................................................... 21 Testimony 3 : Goodhealth ....................................................................... 22 Forever Living Products – Who Are We? ................................................ 23 Why Forever Living Aloe Vera? .............................................................. 26 Summary .............................................................................................. 28

5th Edition 2007 For private circulation only

Aloe Vera, an Introduction The Original and First Aloe Vera!


loe Barbadensis Miller, is a semi-tropical plant, one of over 250 species with a long colourful history. The term "Aloe Vera" (meaning True Aloe) describes the species Aloe Barbadensis Miller most commonly used for it's medicinal properties. The plant has lance-shaped sharp-pointed, jagged-edged leaves which grow directly from the ground in the form of a large rosette. Aloe is often mistakenly called a 'Desert Cacti', although infact it is a member of the Lily with it's flowers closely resembling Easter Lillies. Throughout the world, Aloe Vera is a familiar plant. It is probably one of the most discussed, but least understood medicinal plants in history. The many virtues of Aloe Vera have been recorded by many ancient civilizations, including those of Persia (Modern Day Iran), Egypt, Greece, Italy, India, and Africa. In modern times the plant is mentioned in the folklore of the Philippines & the islands of Southeast Asia including Malaysia. It is known in Tahiti, Japan & Hawaii. On the European continent, the Spanish used Aloe & carried it to their New World in the Caribbean & South America. And, of course Aloe is used in the United States of America, Canada & the U.K. both as a drink & in cosmetic & Ointment products.

looks like water, smells like water and tastes like water, most likely you are buying water. Dioscorides wrote that Aloe "has a leaf like a squill, thick, fat, somewhat broad in its compass...All of it has a strong scent and is very bitter to the taste...It has the power of binding, of inducing sleep, of drying, of thickening of the body, it loosens the belly, and the cleansing of the stomach by drinking two spoonfuls with cold water or warm milk." The Ancient Chinese place Aloe as a treatment for skin afflictions. In the 9th Century, Al-Kindi

“If the product you are thinking of buying looks like water, smells like water and tastes like water, most likely you are buying water...”

repeats the earlier information and also indicated its use for inflammatory pain, and related Aloe's effective use for eye ulcers, for dyspnoea (shortness of breath) and for melancholy (low mood). During the Early years of this century, pharmaceutical companies studied thousands of plants. From those plants they derived many agents. However, since the 1950's this approach was reduced as it became expensive to manufacture agents from plants, so then synthetic manufacture became a cheaper However, those using The healing power of the plant alternative. Major drug companies Aloe, should heed the known as also understood words of the ancient that natural agents Dioscorides, who said are virtually that the healing impossible to patent and therefore control is properties are to be found in the yellowish to very difficult. This is especially true for liver-coloured, offensive smelling, bitter tasting natural products like Aloe Vera, which has juice. But many "so-called" 100% Aloe Vera already been in use by the general products available on the market, many of population for many years, and in some which do not meet the description of parts of the world grows easily and can be Dioscorides, might be questioned, because cultivated for medical use. K simply if the product you are thinking of buying

“The First Aid Plant”


Different Uses of Aloe


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he pulp (gel) of Aloe can be utilized in several different ways both internally and externally. It is ideal as a first aid treatment of burns, irradiation, sunburns and minor wounds. Its is a good haemostatic and disinfectant. EXTERNAL USE The fresh pulp from the leaf of an Aloe Vera plant is ideal for external use but a plant is not always available. Fortunately today there exist on the market excellent products containing up to 98% pure pulp of Aloe Vera. It disinfects and heals wounds. INTERNAL USE Liquid Aloe Vera as a drink is an excellent regulator of the intestines and an excellent food supplement containing numerous vitamins and minerals. Aloe Vera is known to facilitate digestion. It activates blood and lymphatic circulation, and it alleviates arthritic and rheumatic pains. Burns: It is probably in the treatment of burns where Aloe Vera has shown the most spectacular results. In fact it is the ability of Aloe to aid in the regeneration of irradiated tissues, which has made the reputation of Aloe as a miracle plant in both the USA and USSR. Liver Infections: The gel of stabilized Aloe Vera when drunk acts as a remedy against liver infections. It improves the liver functions and is an excellent antidote in case of excessive ingestion of alcohol. It is recommended as a preventative of cirrhosis of the liver. Stomach and Intestines: The pulp of Aloe Vera aids in the prevention of stomach ulcers, facilitates digestion and intestinal transit. Arthritis, Rheumatism, Back Pain: Baths of Aloe alleviate the pains of arthritis and rheumatism. Certain therapists recommend light massage of the painful area with the gel 2

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or a salve of Aloe Vera. Dermatology: Aloe Vera is used widely in dermatology. It is reputed to be effective in the treatment of seborrhea, herpes, red spots, psoriasis, eczema, mycosis and fever blisters. Allergies: It is proven that the pulp of Aloe Vera relieves the itching due to allergies and insect bites, as well as aiding in the healing, in both man and animals. Hygiene and Cosmetics: Today, the cosmetic industry is the second largest in the world, just behind the food production industry. The products offered cover a wide range: lotions and creams of all kinds, shampoos, deodorants, toothpaste, hairsprays, soaps, bubble baths, eye washes, powders, lipstick, cleansers, astringents, emollients, moisturizers, beauty masks, and many, many more. In just a few decades, Aloe, already reputed for its medicinal properties, has become widely used in cosmetics. Aloe Vera contains many active compounds, including numerous vitamins and minerals, and is known as an astringent, moisturizer and cleanser. It softens the skin, diminishes wrinkles, and cures acne, red spots and many skin irritations. It protects the skin against pollution and is ideal for the

3. PROVEN R The Food and New York cond comparing For with the gel fro Barbadensis le them to be “es words, what yo same as what your own leaf Living Products certified by the Council and ea Council’s Seal Gel, Aloe Vera

Millions of peo Living’s Aloe V positive results Aloe Vera exce Aloe Vera com to repeat custo high rate of cu people have u switched to Fo the results.

treatment of sunburn. It is no surprise then, that this sector of activity has become an elder ado for cosmetic companies around the world. So, today we can find on the market the best, the useless, and the worst of products, especially the worst. In United States, this phenomenon is called "the great American cover-up" or the great camouflage. For, instead of correcting or curing, most of these so called miracle products simply camouflage the problems of the skin and hair. Of course, Aloe Vera products are part of this great bluff. Not all products based on Aloe Vera are of acceptable quality. So a discerning user must judge and compare. The user must also realize that a miracle product does not acquire beautiful skin and healthy hair overnight. Even with a good and proven product a successful treatment is the result of using the proper products and proven methods over a long period of time. The best products are those manufactured according to pharmaceutical standards which are more rigid than those imposed upon cosmetic products. Below are a few examples of cosmetic uses of a proven quality product. Skin Care: Aloe Vera is an excellent astringent and humidifier, and is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is used widely in cosmetics. It is ideal for fragile skins. Skin treated with Aloe Vera becomes soft and smooth. It accelerates the removal of dead skin and renews growth of skin cells. It is ideal for the treatment of sunburns, irritations, red spots, and acne. Scalp and Hair Care: When massaging the scalp with Aloe Vera, the astringent action closes the pores but the penetrating capability of Aloe Vera fortifies the roots. Shampooing with an Aloe based shampoo revitalizes drab and dry hair. Mouth and Teeth Care: The many properties of Aloe Vera make it ideal for mouth and teeth care. Using a daily mouth wash of Aloe, and alternating daily brushing with a dental cream with an Aloe base and another a fluorine base, helps maintain healthy gums and teeth. K

Fresh Aloe Vera versus Stabilised Aloe Vera


study conducted by Food & Drug Research Laboratories, New York found that when it came to a patented stabilisation process, Stabilised Aloe Vera was "virtually identical" to Fresh Aloe Vera gel obtained from the plant.

Whole Leaf Aloe Vera versus Other Aloe Vera Processing


uch has been written about this subject, but it needs to be stated once again as much confusion exists. There is need to go into great detail about the different forms of Aloe Vera. If the Aloe Vera you buy looks, smells & tastes like water then it probably is just water. Whole Leaf Aloes contain the whole Aloe plant, the gel (internal gelatinous part), the leaf (external green coating) & the sap. There is no doubt that the green coating & the internal gel have medicinal properties. But it needs to be clearly stated that the Aloe leaf (the green outer coating of the plant) should not be taken internally, as this part contains a number of strong purgative (laxative) agents. The gel does not appear to contain these strong purgatives and therefore is suitable to take internally without producing such a laxative effect. The view that Aloe Vera does not cause diarrhoea is in contrast to the normally held view in Herbal pharmacopoeia's. This might have to do with the confusion that in the early day's of Aloe's use, the whole plant was taken for it's laxative effects.


Elements in Stabilized Aloe Vera Gel Lignin A pulp-like substance existing in a formation with cellulose comprising the leaf-gel in Aloe Vera. Its presence connotes a strong ability to penetrate human skin. Any medicinal quantities it might contain are presently unknown. Saponins Discovered as a constituent comprising 2.91% of Aloe Vera leaf gel by Wasicky and Hoehne in 1951, the Saponins are glycosides which provide not only a cleansing and antiseptic capability but are also superb saponifying agents for natural sudsing in such cosmetics as shampoos. Anthraquinones 1. Aloin:cathartic and emetic 2. Barbaloin: antibiotic and cathartic 3. Isobarbaloin: analgesic and antibiotic 4. Anthranol: 5. Anthracene 6. Aloetic Acid: antibiotic 7. Aloe Amodine:bactericide & laxative 8. Cinnamic acid: detergent, germicide & fungicidal 9. Ester of cinnamic acid: analgesic and anaesthetic 10. Estereol oil:tranquilising 11. Chrisophanic acid: skin fungus 12. Aloe Ulcine: inhibits gastric secretions 13. Resistnol Mono and Polysaccharides 1. Aldonentose 2. Cellulose *AMINO ACIDS 3. Glucose 4. L-rhamnose Essential Secondary 5. Mannose 1. Isoleucine 1. Alanine 2. Leucine 2. Arginine 3. Lysine 3. Asparitic acid 4. Methionine 4. Glutamic acid 5. Phenylalanine 5. Glycerine 6. Theronine 6. Histidine 7. Valine 7. Hydroxiproline 8. Proline 9. Serine 10. Tyrosine * for proportions of contents and its uses, please refer to Summary on page 28. 11. ½Cystine 4

*Inorganic Ingredients/ Minerals 1. Calcium 2. Phosphorus 3. Potassium 4. Iron 5. Sodium 6. Chlorine 7. Manganese 8. Magnesium 9. Copper 10.Chromium 11.Zinc *Vitamins 1. Vit A: Carotene 2. Vit B: tissue growth, produce energy and blood 3. Vit C & E: Combats infection, helps healing and helps maintain a healthy skin 4. Vitamin M: helps formation of blood 5. Niancimanide: regulator of metabolism 6. Choline: helps metabolism *Enzymes 1. Phosphatase-Amylase 2. Bradykinase: Immune building 3. Catalase:Prevents accumulating of water in system 4. Cellulase: cellulose digestion 5. Creatine phosphokinase: muscular enzyme 6. Lipase:digestion 7. Nucleotidase 8. Alcaline Phosphate 9. Protease: hydrolyses proteins into their constituent elements

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Anthraquinones Anthraquinones are understood traditionally as laxative agents though there are many schools of thought as to the relative hidden values they may contain. To a degree they are still mystery ingredients. Believed to be redoubtable painkillers, we have also come to learn that D'Amico, Benigne, and others in the early '50's found them additionally to be valuable bactericidal agents in the tradition of antibiotics with many of the antibiotic properties, minus the toxicity and plus the virucidal capacities discovered first by Lorenzetti et al., and confirmed later by Sims and Zimmerman. We have already learned that many anthraquinones exhibit measurable levels of toxicity on their own. Yet within the sublime chemistry of the Aloe Vera plant, they are nontoxic. Our brief studies of the anthraquinone complex and related ingredients indicate significantly that their only measureable activities are in consort with each other; furthermore, this interactive relationship carries specifically into the other ingredients of Aloe Vera gel. Then again, that is precisely the problem. Few people understand the meaning. And nowhere is it perhaps more evident that in the evaluations of trace minerals Inorganic Ingredients/Minerals These are often referred to (and not with total accuracy) as trace elements in the human system. It might be observed that they are called this not only because that is the degree to which they are present, but also because that is the degree to which they are understood. What is understood is that they can be harmful in too great a quantity and are certain to be harmful if missing from the human system entirely. They are also highly interactive with certain vitamins, coenzymes, proteolytic enzymes and are greatly affected by the action of both.

minimum effective dosages have been fairly well established; maximum levels have not been. There are fairly well established beliefs that vitamins A and K in too high a level can create certain detrimental effects such as certain circulatory clogging and perhaps brain damage. It is also believed by some professional antagonists that excessive amounts of vitamins C, E, and the B-complex can cause the human body to build an immunity to those vitamins and subsequently reduce their effectiveness. And in recent months, Vitamin B 6 especially has become a center of a controversy as being debilitative to the human system if taken in too great a quantity. "The Great Vitamin Debate" could merit a pointcounterpoint series of arguments that would make a book on its own. Some have been written on the subject, and still there is much to be written. But frankly, even in the temples of the learned, not enough is known about nutrition or the true role vitamins play in the systemic body. Still there is no question from any sector that vitamins are essential to nutrition and vital to the survival of the body in question. The word, vitamin, literally means agent of life. Particularly when the human system becomes diseased or damaged (or falls out of a healthy chemical balance), vitamins are quickly depleted from it and are among the first elements that need replacing if the body is to K recover in a normal healthy fashion.

Vitamins Questions concerning the healing capabilities of vitamins tend to prompt a level of debate as broad in range as the category itself. Each vitamin has its proponents and detractors. Their 5

Healing and Prevention with Aloe Proper Digestive Function Critical facts that must be understood: 1. Researchers now believe that 90% of ALL DISEASES begin in the digestive tract due enlarge, to improper digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients. In short, proper digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients equals optimum Prevention. 2. Every cell, tissue, bone, gland and organ of the body needs to be fueled and nourished by nutrients. Without proper assimilation of nutrients, all components of the body will deteriorate prematurely and potentially become diseased. 3. Diseases and disorders of the digestive tract must not be left untreated. Proper digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients must be assured in order to recover from present disease in the

digestive tract, or anywhere throughout the body. 4. It is common knowledge among many researchers that the body's natural defense mechanism against disease ( The immune system ) is highly dependent upon the absorption of nutrients to fuel it's function. Without proper absorption of essential nutrients, the immune system is unable to ward off potential disease or to effectively battle against existing conditions. Therefore, the body's ability to fight potential diseases, or to recover from disease without significant essential nutrients is for the most part, impossible. Nutrients are a Vital Key and the body must be in a position to absorb them.


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5. 99% of all Pharmaceutical drugs do not Heal or Cure. They merely hide or "mask" symptoms WHICH LEAVES THE K CAUSATIVE FACTORS INTACT.

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Diseases of the Digestive System Achalasia

Hiatal Hernia

Squamous Carcinoma of Esophagus Barrett’s Esophagus Adenocarcinoma of Esophagus

Post Necrotic Cirrhosis

Esophageal Varices

Cirrhosis Fatty Liver Viral Hepatitis Bacterial Hepatitis Gallstones in the Cystic Duct Gall Bladder Normal Liver Gallstones in Common Bile Duct

Gastric Ulcer Adenocarcinoma of Stomach Adenocarcinoma of Pancreas Acute & Chronic Gastritis Acute Pancreatitis

Colonic Polyps Inflammatory Bowel Disease Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn’s Disease

Circumferential Carcinoma of Transverse Colon Adenocarcinoma of Colon

Adenocarcinoma of Jejunum

Infussusception caused by Polyp

Diverticulosis of Colon Fecalitis Obstructing Lumen Causing Appendicitis

Ulcerative Colitis

Indirect Inguinal Hernia Internal Hemorrhoids External Hemorrhoids


When your Body Shouts for Help . . . . . . Listen and Act Cancer of the Colon


hen left unchecked, Colon Cancer frequently occurs in association with other diseases of the colon, such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and diverticulitis. Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of death from cancer in the U.S. Most patients (65%) are present with advanced disease. The 5-year case-fatality rate is 50%. For localized disease, the 5-year survival rate approaches 90% for cancer of the colon and 80% for cancer of the rectum. Although the colon and rectum are different segments of the same organ, their stage and survival characteristics are similar. Cancer of the large intestine constitutes for about 20 percent of all cancer deaths in the United States. Types found in the small and large intestine alike include carcinoid tumors and lymphomas. Carcinoid tumors are very slow growing and usually occur without symptoms. Lymphomas cause mal-absorption of food. They damage the walls of the intestine and lymph nodes. Symptoms Any change in bowel movements, either constipation or diarrhea, that last for more


than 10 days or so may be one of the first warning symptoms of cancer of the colon. Blood mixed in the faeces is another important warning signal, however if the tumor is located high up in the colon, blood can only be detected through chemical tests. Sometimes, there is pain and tenderness in the lower abdominal area. However, at times there are no symptoms present. TUMORS of the colon are a major health problem: more than half of the world population develop at least one such tumor, and in one-tenth of these individuals the tumors progress to malignancy. Colorectal tumors provide unique opportunities for cancer research. Beginning as small polyps (adenomas), the tumors gradually increase in size and disorganization until they acquire the ability to invade through the bowel wall and migrate (metastasize) to other parts of the body. Invasive or metastatic tumors are called cancers or carcinomas. Although tumors of all organs are believed to progress through similar stages, tumors of the colon are among the few types in which all stages can be obtained and studied. Colon neoplasms are also paradigmatic in that both genetic and environmental factors are K involved in their pathogenesis.

Reader Jacq


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Aloe Vera in Relation to Immune System Function


he consequences of having a more effective immune system are extremely far reaching. Perhaps the most obvious and most expected change is that the body is very much strengthened with regard, not only to fighting infection, but also with regard to keeping infections at bay in the first place. The work that has been done in this area includes both bacterial and viral infections of various types. The biomedical literature shows clearly that this is the case. In order to present a balanced picture, it has to be stated that not all plant substances which stimulate the immune systems of animals and humans do so in a useful, efficacious and supportive way. The special importance of Aloe Vera Gel is that its immune-active effects have been clearly shown to be of functional benefit.

Next, it is clear and well known that the body's fight against tumors is also medicated through the immune system, which has the ability to kill and remove tumor cells. The outcome is presumed to be determined mainly by the vigor of the human immune response to the tumor. Clear evidence exists showing that under laboratory conditions, Aloe Vera Gel is capable of slowing or stopping the growth of tumors or even causing them to shrink.

care professionals and their patients already suggests that Aloe Vera are of great benefit to such conditions as colitis, including ulcerative colitis, polyposis of the colon, diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, Cronic Fatiqus Syndroms and Crohn's disease. Lastly there are diseases or disorders known or believed to involve the immune system in a major way. The most obvious of these are allergies. On the face of it, the last thing which the immune system might appear to need in such cases is stimulation, because the trouble appears to arise from an over-stimulated condition of the immune system in which the system attacks foods and environmental nonfoods in an unnecessary and unproductive way. However, allergies can be viewed as a misdirection of immune function. Aloe Vera Gel may be found to put the immune system back into a better ordered state of function, and to alleviate allergic conditions. Once again, anecdotal evidence from alternative health care professionals and their patients already suggests that this may well be the K case.

Aloe Vera Gel has known anti-inflammatory properties combined with it's tendency to normalize immune function. The gastro-intestinal tract is a significant location for immune function. There are concentrations of immune (i.e. lymphoid) tissues throughout the intestines. The small intestines contain the special area called "Peyer's patches", but the large intestine, together with the appendix, is also a rich area for lymphoid tissue. Bowel health and function is an area of popular interest for the application of Aloe Vera amongst alternative and complimentary health professionals. Much anecdotal evidence form alternative health 9

Prevention of

Pre-mature Ageing and Disease Prevention of Pre-mature Ageing and Disease and Recuperation from Disease, are dependent on Healthy Cells.

Fact : The cell is the basic unit of all life. All living things are made up of cells. Your body is made up of more than 10 trillion (10,000,000,000,000) cells. YOU are CELLS. Many Researchers now believe that “Free Radical attacks” on the vital interior cell components are the primary cause of Ageing and Disease – these attacks cause the body and it’s regulatory systems to malfunction and deteriorate through molecular damage

The Human Cell Plasma membrane



*Intracellular free radical Scavengers eliminate free radicals inside the cells! Membrane Mitochondria


*Intracellular F.R.S. Mitochondrial DNA Oxidized Protein Oxidized lipid

In todays environment, chemical pollutants in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat are the main source of “Free Radicals” which are foreign toxins or invaders within our bodies. (illustrated by the small dark spheres). Scientists have concluded that Free Radicals are an abundant and ongoing source of chemical damage which attack and oxidize (destroy) molecules that make up the vital inter components of the cell, including proteins, lipids and DNA. This chemical damage causes changes or “mutations” in our DNA and genes which can create havoc throughout the body’s regulatory systems, culminating in Disease and Ageing. “Where as vitamins and minerals can only function OUTSIDE THE CELL. “INTRACELLULAR antioxidants and free radicals scavengers” “The Polysaccharides ARE NOT DIGESTED by the enzyme systems in the human digestive tract; these mannose containing molecules are absorbed by “endocytosis”, i.e.: THEY ARE TAKEN UP INTO THE CELL INTACT” Dr. Ivan E. Danhef, Ph.D., M.D. 10


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Aloe & Health Importance of Detoxification: ood health not only relies on what you put in your body, but what comes out of your body, because we are all exposed to exhaust fumes, preservatives, cigarette smoke, chemicals in our air and water, high fat diets and high levels of stress. Prolonged exposure can result in a build up of toxins in the intestines and stomach.



In a Nutshell, Aloe Vera Gel G Stops the bleeding, damage and leakage of

the intestine wall, thereby taking the stress off the immune system.

G Effectively balances and enhances proper

immune system function. G Acts as a potent anti-inflammatory agent to

reduce inflammation.

G Rebuilds the intestinal protective mucosa

lining. G Promotes and accelerates the tissue healing

process. G Fuels all bodily systems through the

promotion of proper digestion, absorption and assimilation of foods and nutrients.

G Normalizes an array of damaging

processes in the digestive tract.

G Eliminates maldigestion and thus a host of

pathological reactions. G Has direct anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-

fungal, anti-yeast and anti-parasitic effects. G Increases

Phagocytosis dramatically to ingest foreign viral and bacterial agents.

morning is also

G Promotes the proliferation of healthy flora

in the digestive tract.

G Controls chronic yeast growth so that

normal healthy flora may thrive. G Contributes greatly to the prevention and

healing of malignant cells. G Creates a "Tumor necrosis factor" which

restricts the blood supply to tumors.

G Increases circulation throughout the body

and aids in blood sugar balancing. G Is an extremely effective intracellular

antioxidant and free radical scavenger. G Is not digested by the enzyme systems, -it is

taken up into the cell INTACT.

G Is absorbed through special receptor sites

which exist within the human digestive tract. G Is 100% non-toxic with No negative side


G May be used

simultaneously with any medication with NO contra-indications. K

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The Use of Aloe Vera in Dentistry by Richard Sudworth B.D.S., L.D.S., R.C.S. (Eng.)

The dental uses of Aloe Vera are multiple. It is extremely helpful in the treatment of gum disease; it reduces the bleeding of the gums; it is powerfully antiseptic in gum pockets and its antifungal properties help greatly in the problem of denture stomatitis.


loe Vera has been used medicinally for a few thousand years. It was sufficiently in demand that Hannibal was known to have gone to war over it in order to obtain control over its growing area (N.Africa). It is still very much in use today for a wide range of ailments. In orthodoxy it is used in burns units to great effect and is increasingly being used in the treatment of dermatological lesions. Several studies on burns have been conducted in comparison trials between Aloe products and non-Aloe. The Aloe seems to promote more rapid healing and pain relief. There are many species of Aloe but the main

medicinal one is Aloe Vera Barbadensis. It is a member of the lily family and grows in hot places. The problem with aloe has always been that of maintaining its therapeutic function because it is unstable and oxidises rapidly like any cut leaf or fruit. If it grows near you, this is not a problem. It has been due to the relatively recent successful stabilisation process that has so greatly increased the use of Aloe to a worldwide population. Aloe acts in many ways. It is particularly known for its penetrating capacity to reach deeper layers of the dermis when applied topically. It has strong antiseptic properties being bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal. It

promotes cell growth. It is neurologically calming and also acts as a detoxifying agent. I think it will be a long time before it is thoroughly understood just how extensively Aloe does work. At present, there is a research programme being conducted into its uses which is part NHS funded. If we consider the constituents of Aloe, it will be easier to understand its range of action. The dental uses of Aloe Vera are multiple. It is extremely helpful in the treatment of gum disease - gingivitis and periodontitis. It reduces swelling of the soft tissues and consequently this reduces the bleeding of the gums. It is

powerfully antiseptic in gum pockets where normal cleaning is difficult. Its antifungal properties help greatly in the problem of denture stomatitis, ie. red and sore mucous membranes which are permanently covered by a denture - this is a form of thrush. Cracked and split corners of the mouth are also subject to fungal infection and this can be cured by Aloe. Its antiviral properties help in the treatment of cold sores (Herpes Simplex) and shingles (Herpes Zoster). It is a powerful healing promoter and when inserted into extraction sockets is very beneficial. It can be used in any surgical wound. It has a use in root canal treatment as a sedative dressing, healing promoter and file lubricant. In an article of this 13

length and nature, it is not possible to go into greater detail. The various forms of Aloe used in dentistry are: - the toothpaste; the gelly for healing promotion, which can also be used for burns, stings, insect bites and many skin lesions; the Aloe & Propolis hand cream which helps to counteract frequent hand washing and the wearing of latex gloves; the Aloe activator spray which is excellent for throat infections, painful erupting wisdom teeth and joint pains; lastly, the Aloe juice which is taken as a drink. This is used in conjunction with any topical treatment for skin lesions, joint lesions and, in itself, as an amelioration in irritable bowel syndrome. The juice is also a strong detoxifying agent and if used in conjunction with the planned removal of mercury amalgams acts as a scavenging agent for mercury, a neurosedative and immune enhancer. As a routine general tonic it generally makes people feel better who are otherwise not well enough but not frankly ill. Because of the many properties and functions of Aloe, it is a powerful nutritional supplement and anti-oxidant. It protects and promotes healing. It is important to choose an Aloe product which is concentrated, pure, stabilised and preferably grown organically. Some products carry a label bearing an accreditation “Seal of Approval of the International Aloe Science Council”. This seal guarantees those desirable necessities K outlined above. Reprinted from Positive Health Magazine, Issue 20 (June/July 1997).

T Forever Bright Toothgel


n the past couple of months the Forever Bright Toothgel has been selling so well that we’ve actually sold out! People are beginning to have amazing results with this product. Despite the popularity of the Forever Bright Toothgel, I am constantly approached by distributors who want more information about it, so I have decided to write an article that would give a broad spectrum of information that could be used for clinics or simply selling to friends. Just as you would use Aloe Vera for relief of skin problems, you will find that it is very effective for your gums as well. Forever Bright Toothgel has maintained the same formula since 1985, and of course Aloe Vera is the number one ingredient. Properties • Inhibits and kills bacteria which is known to cause plaque (Strep Mutans) • Effective in battling periodontitis or gum disease • Whitening action and odour reduction • Extremely low in abrasion Studies done with Forever Bright Toothgel 1. A four week challenge done by an outside nationally known and recognised testing center showed a reduction to less than 10 organisms per gram of strep mutans in one week after an inoculation challenge of 1 million organisms. The less than 10 count showed each week until the test was concluded after 4 weeks. 2. Forever Bright was sent to a dental testing laboratory known for its accuracy and precision for testing for abrasion against the major and against some speciality formulas on the market. Forever Bright had the lowest abrasion score of all the samples tested. It proved to have outstanding cleaning ability with extremely low abrasion; abrasion so low it was declared to be a polishing toothgel. 3. Forever Bright’s gel structure was adopted after reviewing preference studies which contd. on page 20


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Forever Brigh There are a wid dentifrices avail consumers are a which dentifrice

Dental Care and Aloe Vera by Dr Cyrus Naterwalla B.D.S.

Importance of Stabilization : he Aloe Vera plant thrives in warm, dry conditions - a climate which is not prevalent in every part of the world. The popularity and effectiveness of Aloe Vera, in climates where the plant does not grow, are made possible only by a process called stabilization.


frequently asked questions is: - "Doctor which toothpaste should I use?" Well, ever since being exposed to Forever Living Products - my answer is predictably the Forever Bright Toothgel. The main objectives of a dentifrice are •

To remove all the food debris which is accumulated on the tooth surface

The inner leaf gel of the Aloe Vera plant is where most of the curative and medicinal • To prevent the build-up of plaque which is properties of the plant lie. In the wild, this gel is the primary source of dental caries. well protected by the fleshy outer rind, which Bacteria attach themselves to this thin prevents moisture loss and protects it from the invisible film of plaque and then gradually atmosphere. However, once the leaf is cut and act on the tooth surface causing decay. the gel is exposed to air, it begins to oxidize The Forever Bright toothgel not only performs and as the oxidation process continues, the gel these functions more than adequately, but in is robbed of many of its beneficial properties. addition, due to it's low This is because in order abrasiveness, reduces to survive, the plant The Forever Bright tooth gel not the rate at which gum starts to feed on it's own only performs these functions recession occurs and nutrients and so, all the more than adequately, but in protects the surfaces beneficial properties are which have already addition, due to it's low re-absorbed by the plant been abraded. Most of itself in its effort to abrasiveness, it reduces the rate the dentifrices available provide nutrition for at which gum recession occurs in the market today itself. Hence, a method have a high number of had to be derived to abrasive particles, which over a period of time prevent this oxidation from occurring when the cause abrasion of the tooth surface. The leaves were harvested. Forever Bright, being a gel; has no abrasive Stabilization is a method of preserving the gel, particles and hence, does not cause tooth in a state as close as possible to its original abrasion. This difference in abrasiveness may form, without losing the original potency and be visually demonstrated by applying a little bit effectiveness of the fresh leaf. Without of both Forever Bright and a normal dentifrice, stabilization, spoilage of the gel will occur, even on a clear plastic cup, rubbing it into the under refrigeration. A study conducted by the surface and then washing it off. It will be seen Food & Drug Research Laboratories in New that the normal dentifrice leaves some York found that stabilized aloe vera was scratches on the cup while no scratches are "virtually identical" to fresh aloe vera gel seen where the Forever Bright gel was applied!! obtained from the plant. Ingredients : Forever Bright Toothgel 1. ALOE VERA GEL : - This is the primary There are a wide variety of toothpastes or ingredient and is the one, which is dentifrices available on the market today and responsible for all the beneficial effects of consumers are always in a quandary as to the toothgel. Aloe Vera, through its natural which dentifrice to purchase. One of the most healing effect, reduces the degree of tooth 15

decay or the propensity for teeth to get decayed. It also helps in regeneration of the tissues and hence, reduces the inflammation and swelling which occurs in periodontal disease. Hence, using the tooth gel immediately after prophylaxis has been performed will return the tissues to their normal healthy condition much faster. Aloe Vera also has a temporary anesthetic effect in the oral cavity so applying a little bit of the tooth gel on a mouth ulcer or abraded area will provide relief. 2. SORBITOL :- This is the second ingredient which is primarily a flavoring agent. Sorbitol is a substance that occurs naturally in fruits like berries. It is half as sweet as sugar, but unlike sugar, it does not promote tooth decay nor does it increase the blood sugar levels, while still imparting a pleasant taste to the gel. 3. SILICA :- This is the third ingredient and is essentially a binding agent. It holds all the components of the gel together and hence allows it to be dispersed uniformly from the tube. 4. GLYCERINE :- This also acts as a binder and a vehicle for the rest of the ingredients. It is prudent to note that while this is often the primary ingredient in most toothpastes, it is only the fourth ingredient in Forever Bright. 5. SODIUM LAURYL SULPHATE :- This is a detergent which is commonly used in most dentifrices. It basically lowers the surface tension and hence helps to remove plaque and food debris from the tooth surface with it’s detergent action. It is also anti-bacterial. 6. CARRAGEENAN :- This is an ingredient which occurs naturally from seaweed. It helps to provide body for the gel and also to stabilize it. 7. BEE PROPOLIS :- Another naturally occurring ingredient which is very effective for 16

the anti-bacterial properties that it possesses. 8. SODIUM BENZOATE :- This is incorporated into the tooth gel because of it’s ability to prevent the growth of microorganisms - especially those which are present in acidic foods. 9. CHLOROPHYLLIN COPPER COMPLEX :This ingredient prevents micro-organisms from developing within the tooth gel itself. It also has an anti-plaque effect. Although all these ingredients individually are extremely beneficial, the true beauty of the Forever Bright tooth gel is the way that it combines all the ingredients to bring about a synergistic effect for a common benefit. Besides being an extremely effective dentifrice, the Forever Bright Tooth gel has also been known to impart a gradual whitening effect with use. Patients have reported that their teeth appear whiter and there is a generalized feeling of freshness and healthiness in the mouth. Through its healing properties, the gel helps to reduce bleeding from the gums by reducing the inflammation and promoting rapid healing of the tissues. It does not contain any pyrophosphate or aldehyde additives, which are irritants and may cause ulceration and sloughing of the mucosa. Usage and Frequency of Brushing : Bacteria usually require about 24 hours to get attached to the tooth surface. Hence, it is mandatory to brush at least once in 24 hours to prevent bacterial accumulation. Ideally, brushing twice a day is sufficient although three times a day is optimum. It is extremely important to brush at night before sleeping, because during sleep there is increased cellular activity in the oral cavity - which is why you will always notice a foul smell and taste in the mouth upon awaking in the morning. Hence,

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morning is also a good time to brush.

believed to increase the rate of gingival and periodontal disease. A patent by the pharmaceutical company - Sepracor - discloses that concentrations of fluorides from fluoridated toothpastes and mouthwashes, activates 'G' proteins in the oral cavity, thereby promoting gingivitis, periodontitis and even oral cancer.

INCORPORATING FLUORIDES INTO TOOTHPASTE – THE CONTROVERSY Throughout the annals of dentistry, from the time that fluoride was first established as a beneficial agent in the prevention of dental caries or tooth decay, there has been an eternal Many children have experienced oral diseases, controversy as to whether or not fluoride should which miraculously disappeared when fluoride be used as an adjunct in dental treatment. One intake was curtailed. For example, some had school of thought is that fluoride is highly consistent "white spots" on their gums that beneficial in the prevention of dental decay. vanished upon elimination of fluoridated Fluoride ions are believed to leach into the toothpaste, but returned as soon as such tooth and create a "Caries zone of inhibition" toothpaste was used again. Some of these which helps the tooth to resist demineralization white spots and patches were diagnosed as preby acid, bacterial invasion and subsequent cursors to oral cancer (squamous cell decay. These dentists advocate the use of carcinomas), while others were deemed to be fluoride in systemic as well as topical forms. "allergic reactions" by Fluoride applications for medical professionals. children as well as The association that this fact Yet other doctors fluoride mouth rinses identified oral yeast has with fluorides is that the and use of fluoridated infections (Candidiasis). toothpastes are advised. presence of fluorides in When the scientific On the down side and at toothpaste is believed to literature on fluoride the other end of the toxicity was investigated increase the rate of gingival spectrum, excessive it was found that such and periodontal disease. intake of fluoride can oral conditions have lead to enamel fluorosis been related to fluoride or mottling of the teeth. intake countless times. There is extensive However, certain recent studies have shown that evidence of such disease in humans from areas although fluoride may have beneficial effects on with water fluoridation, from toothpaste and the teeth, it causes certain other side effects in mouth rinse use, as well as in workers exposed the oral cavity, which again rekindles the eternal to fluorides. Studies in workers exposed to debate as to whether or not fluoride should be fluoride have shown that the severity of incorporated into toothpastes …for example. periodontal disease is directly correlated to the fluoride levels in systemic fluids (i.e. Gingivitis and Periodontal disease are the oral Domazalska, 1972). The more fluoride in the diseases that require the most urgent system - the more severe is the periodontal intervention as strong links have been made disease. between them, heart disease and low infant mortality. This is important as almost 90% of the population have some form of wither gingivitis or periodontal disease (even if in a very minor form). For heart disease, the association is stronger with gingivitis than with smoking or high cholestrol - an alarming statistic that is not known by the general populace. The association that this fact has with fluorides is that the presence of fluorides in toothpaste is

In 1996 three biochemists (Aberg, Jerussi & McCullough, 1998), working for the pharmaceutical company Sepracor, speculated on fluoride implications in periodontal disease. Realizing that fluorides activate G proteins, they reasoned that fluorides would also be involved in the activation of those G proteins which regulate the pathways involved in gingivitis and periodontitis - and they decided to test the ability of fluoride to activate two


integral receptors involved in periodontal disease - the prostaglandin E2 receptor (PGE2) and the thromboxane A2 (TXA2) receptor. Both are coupled to G proteins called G q/11. The scientists conducted a test with sodium fluoride based on a well-established in-vitro protocol model involving HL-60 cells. These are Human Leukemia cells often used in biochemistry investigations, as one can observe fundamental and critical signals involved in the activation of the body's immune system - because of the cells' ability to respond to foreign organisms. The authors reported: "We found that fluoride, in the concentration range in which it is used for the prevention of dental caries, stimulates production of prostaglandins and thereby exacerbates the inflammatory response in gingivitis and periodontitis.... Thus, the inclusion of fluoride in toothpastes and mouthwashes for the purpose of inhibiting the development of caries may, at the same time, accelerate the process of chronic, destructive periodontitis." A very important finding as it relates to public health! In the 1986 National Institute of Health (NIH) survey, 93% of adults indicated that their children used toothpaste with fluoride, obviously putting all at risk. Gingivitis and periodontal disease constitute the major public oral health problems in the US. The patent findings supply the biochemical explanation for earlier reports by many researchers who had found increased gingivitis and gum inflammation due to fluoridated water, or other sources of fluoride. Not surprisingly, periodontal disease has recently become the primary focus for dental researchers because of the very strong links which have been made to other conditions such as heart disease (Loesche 1994, 1998; Herzberg and Meyer 1996), as well as infants with low birth weight and premature births. For 18

heart disease the association is stronger than for smoking (Loesche et al, 1998). This clearly means that fluorides - by promoting gingivitis - also contribute to heart disease and low birth weight. Heart disease has long been known to be higher in workers exposed to fluorides, or caused by fluorides in medications (PFPC, 2001) Fluoridation and Oral Cancer In 1981 Dr. John Yiamouyiannis and Dean Burk, chief chemist emeritus of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), first showed very convincingly that there was an increase in oral cancer in fluoridated areas. An investigation done by the Battelle Institute on behalf of the National Toxicology Program (NTP) (NTP, 1991; also see: Yiamouyiannis, 1993) showed a clear dose-response relationship between oral cancers and fluoride intake in the animals tested. According to the late Yiamouyiannis, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) - in response to the NTP findings - decided to examine the incidence of oral cancer in fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas. The resulting data showed at least a 33% to 50% increase in the incidence of oral cancers in fluoridated areas, indicating at least an additional 5000 - 7500 or more cases or oral and pharyngeal cancer per year as a result of fluoridation alone (Yiamouyiannis, 1993). Hence, although fluoride has been effective in preventing dental decay, studies have shown that fluorides also can increase the rate and severity of gingivitis, periodontal disease and oral cancer. Increased gingivitis and periodontitis has been shown to have a strong association with heart disease and low infant mortality. Therefore, although fluorides do have a beneficial effect in the prevention of dental decay, research shows that it would probably be more prudent to not incorporate them into toothpastes, due to the increased risk of gingival and periodontal disease and oral K cancer.

Importance o ood health because w air and water, h toxins in the inte



“Aloe Vera Changed My Life”


laire Grimes was diagnosed with lupus two years ago, when she was 17. From being a slim, vivacious teenager, she became shy and bloated within months, due to the extremely high does of steroids that she was on. Claire’s problems went back to when she was about 13, with aches and pains and constant tiredness. ‘My whole body was so sore that sometimes I would cry with the pain,’ she remembers. ‘I just wanted to sleep all the time.’ Claire’s GP, however, could find nothing wrong with her and wrote off her tiredness as ‘women’s problems’. Claire’s illness meant that she had to take a great deal of time off school, and was falling badly behind with her schoolwork. Her mother Catherine says, ‘When I took Claire to the doctor again, he suggested that she might be being bullied, which I knew was out of the question. So I was even more worried.’ By this stage, Claire had lupus for around six months and was unaware that she was dangerously ill. She had to be carried to and from her bed and her hair was falling out. Eventually, a second GP referred Claire to Stobhill Hospital in Glasgow for tests, which confirmed that Claire had lupus.

weight began to creep up. I was a size eight when I was first diagnosed and weighed myself when I was 12 stone. Eventually, I was taking size 16 clothes. Claire was also finding it difficult being back at school. ‘Most of my friends tried to be kind but some people made comments about my weight, which was really hurtful. Then Claire had a breakthrough. Her dad, Frank, had heard about the benefits of aloe vera for treating various illnesses and decided to try it. ‘To me, aloe vera was something in shampoo, but we decided that it was worth having a go, says Frank. ‘We bought the aloe vera from a firm called Forever Living.’ Claire started taking the aloe vera juice twice a day and, within a month, she began to feel better. But the doctors could not believe that she had made such an amazing recovery simply by taking aloe vera, so it was only after four months that she was gradually allowed to reduce her massive 60mg daily steroid dose. Following this, she began to lose weight, and

‘I had never heard of the disease at all,’ recalls Claire. ‘While the tests were done, I imagined I had MS or cancer. To be told that I had something wrong with me, even though I didn’t know what it was, actually a big relief’. Claire was put on a mixture of drugs and steroids, including prednisone, Aathioprine, Atrenolol, Nivaquine and Zantac. She was told that if her condition hadn’t been diagnosed when it was, her kidneys could have failed. ‘At first, I began to improve, and was really happy as the doctors had said to me that lupus was incurable and I had been dangerously ill, says Claire. ‘But then my 19

became her old self again. Her family has now set up a business selling aloe vera, advocating its benefits to thousands of other people. Says Claire, ‘I always take my aloe vera regularly - if I miss one day, I feel awful. If someone had said to me a few years ago about aloe vera, I would have laughed - but it’s changed my life.’ ALOE VERA, a plant with various natural qualities, is best known for treating skin conditions and easing the heat of burns and itching. Its moisturising properties makes it an effective treatment for eczema and psoriasis. It is a rich source of plant steroids, so when drunk or applied to the problem area, aloe can relieve inflammation in conditions such as arthritis and rheumatism. It is also a natural detoxifier, and works throughout the digestive system flushing out dead skin cells and encouraging new cell growth. Its healing

Forever Bright Toothgel contd. from page 14

showed a strong move in the marketplace toward the gel structure as being the most effective and preferred vehicle for good cleaning and mouth feel. Many people have questioned the fact that Forever Bright Toothgel doesn’t contain any fluoride. Lets discuss this in a little more detail. Fluoride isn’t always beneficial! Fluoride is found in a minute trace in our bodies and in some foods. There is growing evidence that supplementation of fluoride or increased intake from the sources actually has an adverse effect on our health. Previously it was thought that fluoride was a necessary nutritional ingredient which reduced tooth decay. However, some professional researchers have had clinical evidence showing that fluoride in fact brings the visible symptoms of ageing, and it has been found that it could damage the body’s rejuvenation and repair capabilities. 20

evidence is often anecdotal, but it has been known to turn around serious conditions, such as lupus, an auto-immune disease. To find a good quality product, you need to find a reputable supplier, as both the quality of the plants harvested and the processing will contribute to the overall quality of the product. Check to see if the manufacturer is a member of the International science Council (IASC) an independent body set up to monitor standards of aloe vera products. You need to take aloe vera for about three months to give your body time to adjust. Start with a teaspoon or dessert spoon of juice daily, then slowly increase the amount to between two and four tablespoons a day. If you are taking it as a tonic, two small wine glasses a day should help to boost your energy levels and keep colds K at bay.

How is this possible ? Many researchers studied those side effects and have found that fluoride distorts the normal proteins which are responsible for functions of the body, once the stabilized shape of the protein is destroyed, so does the enzymatic activity of the proteins. Fact One known enzyme in Aloe Vera was found to be 100% inhibited when used in conjunction with fluoride. Another was found to be at least 70% inhibited. Other important enzymes in Aloe were shown to exhibit damaging reactions to fluoride. We are aware of other toothpastes which included fluoride and Aloe Vera. Apparently those companies decided that the “sale appeal” of having fluoride listed as an ingredient was more important than maintaining the efficacy of the Aloe Vera. On the contrary, we felt that maintaining the value of K the Aloe Vera was most important.



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Losing Battle Reader Jacqueline Rodriguez tells the story of her daughter Kellie’s battle with hair loss


t was at the end of March last year, whilst my daughter Kellie was getting ready for a party, that I noticed a small patchy bit of hair on the back of her head. After closer investigation I realised that the patch was in fact completely bald, and nor what I’d first suspected, broken hair as a result of previous hair treatments. Concerned, we made an appointment with our GP to investigate further. To our horror our doctor diagnosed ringworm, and prescribed a fungicidal cream to treat the problem. However, having seen ringworm on a few occasions, we suggested that it might not be ringworm, but she persisted in her diagnosis, saying that there were many forms of fungal infection and that this was one of them. We left the doctors surgery feeling unhappy and uncertain about the diagnosis. My partner, suggested we shouldn’t use the cream prescribed as we didn’t believe it was a fungal infection. So, we decided to opt for the Chinese herbal medicine route, and after a barrage of tests, Kellie embarked on a course of tablets and suggested massage, where we had to rub ginger into her scalp. Yet still the bald patch continued to expand. We continued Kellie’s treatment, which involved taking 38 tables a day, at a cost of £42 a visit one visit every two weeks. About that time we moved surgeries, and found ourselves with a new GO, who suggested, whilst not interfering with the treatment, that we try garlic to rub on the scalp. During this time Kellie became more and more depressed. What could I tell my pretty 17 year old daughter - that she had to face up to the possibility that if we couldn’t find a cure, she could end up completely bald? By May further patches had started to appear, and in desperation her grandmother took Kellie to a well known trichology clinic in central London. The consultant there told her that Kellie had alopecia areata, which was likely to render her completely healed in time. However, they said that there was a course of treatments available, and suggested biweekly visits for scalp massages, ultraviolet and white light treatments, plus shampoo, conditioner

and lotion. The total cost of this came to a staggering £940.00, but what else could we do? So Kellie began the course of treatment, until one day at the beginning of July when I decided to accompany her. Afterwards we waited to see her consultant, only to find that he was unavailable. Instead we saw a new specialist who was surprised that there had been no reduction in hair loss, and if anything, it was getting worse. She suggested that Kellie should have weekly treatment, and also prescribed hormone drops, which she warned could lead to increased facial and/or body hair. From July Kellie then went for weekly treatments and diligently took her increased dosage of medication. Half way through July, we sent Kellie on holiday for a week, in the hope that it would help her to relax and recoup her dwindling spirit. With her hair still falling out in clumps, she was at that point almost suicidal. Whilst Kellie was away, a friend rang us and suggested we speak to someone called Alasdair Barcroft, who had written a book on aloe vera and its healing properties. With nothing to lose, we rang him and spoke at length about Kellie’s problem. Alasdair and his wife market a range of aloe vera products, and he suggested Kellie might benefit from using them. So, as soon as Kellie returned from holiday we went to see him. They suggested a range of products, including an aloe vera drink, shampoo, conditioner and a topical gel for the skin. Seven days after she started the treatment we noticed baby fine hairs growing in all the patches. I still can’t explain the transformation that took place in the days that followed. Everybody we checked, and day-by-day the hairs became thicker and stronger. Thank God is all I remember thinking. As I write this it has been almost thirteen weeks since Kellie started the aloe vera treatment, and it seems like a miracle. She has good hair growth coming through, and her state of mind has returned to its old self. And as you can see from the photograph below, she is well on the road to K recovery. 21


Goodhealth A car crash left Karen Farrow in constant agony and popping pain killers like Smarties. Now she’s found a natural way to beat the pain.


drink sounds a miraculous cure - surely it can’t be that powerful? I could scarcely believe it either, and when I first tried it I thought it was just another gimmick that might ease my pain for a bit. Over the years I’ve tried everything from homeopathy to acupuncture and osteopath. They all helped for a few days but nothing actually cured my back.

my body got so used to them I had to take increasingly bigger doses. I had to give up my job as a hairdresser and forget being a proper mum to my little girl Hannah, who’s nine now. Fortunately my mum lives near us in Stevenage, Herts, and could look after her. I’m just grateful I’m now well enough to look after Hannah and Joseph, who’s three.

And this drink did? It didn’t happen overnight, I started drinking 30ml of aloe vera juice twice a day and after about a week the pain didn’t seem as bad. It was very gradual but one day I noticed I wasn’t reaching for my painkillers so often. I’d been taking as many as I could and I used to long for the next dosage. The aloe vera juice put a stop to that longing and after three weeks I didn’t need any painkillers at all. After six years on them it was a minor miracle!

Are you still on the aloe vera? Oh, yes. I have a glass when I get up and one before I go to bed. I get through 1 litre a month (which costs about £16). It tastes foul but it’s better than a handful or painkillers and a back that feels as if someone’s kicking it. K

Has the pain completely disappeared? Totally. And the feeling is back on my right side for the first time since the car crash. I can walk, sit and stand normally. How bad was the pain before? It virtually crippled me - it was constant and sometimes so severe that I’d faint. I found it impossible to get comfortable. How did the pain start? I was injured in a car crash in 1991. Doctors said it was whiplash and that I’d feel better in a few days, but the pain got steadily worse. My back and neck hurt, and my right side went numb from the waist down. It turned out I’d damaged my spine but doctors said it was too risky to operate. A disc in my back had slipped out of place and although I was already in terrible pain, they said there was a chance it could get worse. How did you cope? I didn’t. I became dependent on painkillers 22

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Post Necrotic Cirrhosis Cirrhosis Fatty Liver Viral Hepatitis Bacterial Hepatitis Gallstones in the Cystic Duct Gall Bladder Normal Liver Gallstones in Common Bile Duct

WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY... Aloe vera is a natural painkiller, according to Dr. Rajendra Sharma, medical director of London’s Hale Clinic. “It has painkilling and antiinflammatory properties as well as trace elements of essential minerals, which will have helped ease Karen’s pain,” he says. “As aloe vera is taken with lots of water, it can relieve problems associated with dehydration, such as Karen’s prolapsed disc.”

Colonic Polyps Inflammatory Bowel Disease Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn’s Disease

Fecalitis Obstructing Lumen Causing Appendicitis

Indirect Inguinal Hernia Internal Hemorrhoids External Hemorrhoids


Forever Living Products – Who are we ?

orever Living Products is the World’s largest grower, manufacturer and distributor of Aloe Vera products. Founded in 1978, the Company is dedicated to supplying products that help people. Rather than adding a few drops of Aloe Vera to our products in order to get the public to buy them, we start with fresh, potent Aloe Vera and then add just enough of the other ingredients, as is needed to create a whole range of personal care products (such as skin care lotions, shampoo and tooth gel, to name but a few). In other words, the number one ingredient in most of our products is 100% Stabilised Aloe Vera Gel.

We own our own extensive Aloe Vera plantations in the Rio Grande Valley, southern Texas, as well as in the Dominican Republic and other parts of the Carribbean. Every step of the growing process is tended by expert and caring personnel, from the nursery where the ‘pups’ are nurtured, through to the meticulously cultivated fields of mature Aloe Vera plants, and on to the carefully-timed hand-harvesting. Only mature Aloe Vera plants are harvested, when they reach their full potency after four years of growth. No chemical fertilisers, herbicides or pesticides are used on or near the aloe plants.

only a matter of weeks before arriving at our area centres. This ‘vertical integration’ is a key benefit of our products. Other manufacturers of aloe products, who rely on other growers for their aloe, constantly have to test their raw materials to ensure no adulteration or degradation has taken place in the raw aloe, prior to making their finished goods. Many items in the Forever Living Product range carry the International Aloe Science Council Seal of Approval, certifying the quality of the aloe used in each. In 1978, Forever Living Products led the way for the world to rediscover the great benefits of Aloe Vera. As hundreds of thousands found the miracle, they excitedly shared what they had discovered with millions of others and a new industry was born. After the initial excitement, it became evident that some unscrupulous producers would adulterate their aloe with useless fillers like maltodextrin to cut costs and increase profits. Furthermore, a host of processing methods began to appear including freeze-drying and spray-drying. Thus it became even more difficult to compare products and ensure purity. To maintain integrity, and help consumers make wise choices, the industry would have to set standards and maintain them. The International Aloe Science Council was founded in 1981 as an association to protect the Aloe Vera industry against unfair competition and unnecessary

A sister company, Aloe Vera of America stabilises the gel and formulates the products, so that they are made on a timely basis. We do not order a big batch of aloe once or twice a year and then let it sit around getting old. You can be assured of getting fresh product, made 23

regulations. The Council was set up as an independent regulatory body, financed from the membership fees of aloe producers who joined the Council. In 1982, 25 member companies were part of the Council. A code of ethics was agreed, and an inspection and testing programme was devised. To maintain objectivity in testing, an independent laboratory was chosen to inspect and test Aloe Vera products for purity and strength. Companies whose products meet the high standards are certified and allowed to display the International Aloe Science Seal of Approval. This critical testing programme began in 1985. Forever Living Products and Aloe Vera of America knew that the quality of their products were unexcelled so they requested testing on their raw Aloe Vera Gel and Nectar.

The International Aloe Science Council Seal of Approval – a confirmation of excellence In early 1986, it was announced that Forever Living Products’ Aloe Vera Gel and Nectar would be the first to meet (and exceed) the International Aloe Science Council’s high standards and authorisation was granted to display the Seal of Approval on the products. Our goal has always been to be first in the Aloe Vera industry and to lead the world with highest quality products. Since then, the Seal has been awarded to more of our aloe based products, as witnessed by its prominent position on much of our packaging. Despite the claims of newer

aloe companies that they were the first in Europe to display the seal, the undisputed fact remains that FLP resolved the seal in 1986 and has been selling its products in Europe since 1988. Since we are an international company serving a diverse population, other awards followed. For example, if you are a label reader, you will notice the small ‘K’ on the base of our Aloe Vera Gel bottles. This symbol is a Kosher rating given to products that meet very right standards of purity and quality for the Jewish community. To receive this important rating, a Rabbi representing a certified laboratory must inspect the plant operation, formula, processing steps and the ingredients. Only when it has been established that everything complies with their high standards, is a rating granted. In many circles, products with a Kosher rating are looked upon as being of a higher quality. There are many religious groups that use the ‘K’ as a guide to safe and quality products. This symbol is another assurance we have that Forever Living products are the finest in the world. Then another award came from The Islamic Society of California. They tested a number of our products and certified that they met all the requirements for product quality and acceptability to the Society. These standards are also very high and reflect Forever Living’s attention to cleanliness and purity in all stages of manufacture and packaging. Forever Living Products (UK) Ltd is also proud to assert that neither its products nor their ingredients are tested on animals. We subscribe to the standards set by PETA (People’s Ethical Treatment of Animals). For further information, visit PETA’s website at http:/ www.peta-online.org and search for ‘Forever Living Products’. Why should I buy Forever Living Aloe when I can buy other brands cheaper? It is a valid question and perhaps we can better answer you with the following information: We are the world’s largest grower and


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distributor of Aloe Vera. We own plantations in the USA and the Caribbean - both prime growing climates. Therefore we can tell you EXACTLY how and where our aloe was grown. For example, we know and can assure you that no pesticides or herbicides are used in our Aloe Vera fields.

some companies who offer Aloe Vera with the pulp strained, giving it the appearance of bottled water. In recent times, whole-leaf aloe vera has attracted much attention and is presented by its manufacturers as providing extra benefits. They often avoid mentioning that in order to remove the strong laxative elements found in the outer leaf, they must pass the whole liquid through charcoal filters, which inevitably upsets the natural balance of nutrients found in the gel. FLP does not have to risk the integrity of the product by subjecting the gel to this filtering process. Since the traditional, well-proven benefits of aloe vera are found in the gel, not the rind, FLP discards the useless rinds, using them as natural fertilisers in its aloe fields.

Our Aloe Vera is not We control the whole boiled. Boiling or Our products make the process, from choosing pasteurisation is which leaves are ripe for cheaper and faster. difference between feeling harvest, right through to Excessive heat destroys good and feeling great! the storage temperature the active ingredients. after bottling. We are We use only subnot dependent on any other supplier. pasteurisation temperatures (known as ‘cool processing’) to ensure enzyme activity is Our gel is extracted from freshly harvested, preserved. Cool processing locks in the mature leaves and stabilised to protect its nutrients immediately after harvesting and essential nutritional content within hours. The enables the product to retain its full potency for stabilisation process is patented by Forever a greater time. Living Products’ President Rex Maughan. Our Aloe Vera is not reconstituted from freezeNo artificial flavouring or colouring is added to dried gel. This is how some companies can our gel. As there are many harvests during the offer ’double-strength’ products and so on. course of the year, colour and taste may vary. It Our products contain 100% stabilised Aloe has been known for some companies to add Vera gel, from plant to product to you. bleaching agents to their Aloe Vera products, to keep the color consistent on the shelves, all 100% stabilised Aloe Vera is the FIRST year long. We firmly believe that the colour is ingredient on the labels of our drinks, gelly and NATURAL and HEALTHY. lotions. Although a large proportion of aloe vera gel is naturally composed of water, anybody seeing the raw gel will know that it is not a thin clear liquid. Our Aloe Vera gel is NOT hom*ogenised or filtered. Our drinks have a rich pulp which settles and contains much of the goodness of Aloe Vera that is necessary in our daily diets. We advise you to shake the drinks well to receive the full benefit from our pulp. There are

The Food and Drug Laboratories of New York have declared that our Aloe Vera Gel is ‘essentially identical’ to the raw gel. In other words, drinking our Aloe Vera Gel is like breaking open a leaf and scooping out the gel. There is a complete retail money-back guarantee on all our products, which is not offered on most store-bought Aloe Vera.



Why Forever Living Aloe Vera?


orever Living Products is the world’s biggest grower, manufacturer and distributor of Aloe Vera products. Founded in 1978, the Company is dedicated to producing products which help people. Rather than adding a few drops of Aloe Vera to our products in order to get the public to buy them, Forever Living starts with pure, fresh, potent Aloe Vera, and then adds other ingredients to aid in their use in various formulations (such as lotions, shampoos, skin care products, etc.). In other words, the number one ingredient in our products is 100% Stabilized Aloe Vera Gel. Listed below are some of the reasons why Forever Living Aloe Vera products are the most effective you can buy at any price.

2. PROCESSING METHODS Forever Living processes its Aloe Vera leaves within hours of harvesting. They are washed and rinsed twice before being carefully filleted. Minutes after filleting, the raw get is stabilized by a proven, patented process which preserves essentially all of the 75 different nutritional compounds naturally occurring in the plant. From the time of harvesting, through the entire stabilization process, the gel is handled in a sanitary professional manner. The machinery and buildings are clean and sanitary, thus assuring a quality product.

1. GROWING AND HARVESTING Forever Living owns its own Aloe Vera plantations in the fertile Rio Grande Valley in Southern Texas. Every step of the growing process is tended by expert and caring personnel, from the nursery where the “pups” are nurtured, to the meticulously cultivated fields of mature Aloe Vera plants, to the carefully timed hand harvesting.

Only the pure Aloe Vera gel is used. The leaf, along with the yellowish lining (called aloin) is discarded. The pulp of the raw gel remains to be stabilized. This pulp is a very beneficial factor in the effectiveness of the products. Even though Forever Living products are sold as foods and cosmetics, they are manufactured under a pharmaceutical license. This means that the facilities, machinery, test equipment, etc. are subject to stringent government regulations.

Forever Living grows only Aloe Barbadensis, even though there are more than 200 different species of Aloe Vera. Only mature Aloe Vera plants providing 100% full get potency are used. Modern harvesting techniques are employed throughout the farm system and no pesticides are used in any phase of the operation.

Each batch of every product manufactured is tested a number of times before, during and after final formulation before release by quality control from quarantine. The consumable products are sealed to project against contamination, and to increase shelf-life. The bottles containing our Gel, Juice and Aloe Berry Nectar are made with a unique 3-layer plastic which


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Skin Care: Aloe Vera is an e humidifier, and i is used widely in skins. Skin treate and smooth. It a skin and renews the treatment of and acne.

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further protects the product from oxidation and keeps it fresh. Since Forever Living stabilizes and formulates its own, the products are made on a timely basis. We don’t order a big batch once or twice a year, and let it sit around getting old. You can be assured of getting fresh product, made only a matter of weeks before arriving at our warehouses. 3. PROVEN RESULTS The Food and Drug Testing Laboratories of New York conducted an independent test comparing Forever Living’s Stabilized Gel with the gel from a raw, mature Aloe Barbadensis leaf. The two were found by them to be “essentially identical.” In other words, what you get in the bottle is the same as what you would have if you filleted your own leaf (without the mess!). Forever Living Products’ Aloe Vera Gel has been certified by the International Aloe Science Council and earned the right to display the Council’s Seal of Approval on the Aloe Vera Gel, Aloe Vera Juice, and Aloe Berry Nectar. Millions of people have used Forever Living’s Aloe Vera products with very positive results. Sales of Forever Living Aloe Vera exceed the sales of all other Aloe Vera companies. Most of the sales are to repeat customers, which indicate a very high rate of customer satisfaction. Many people have used other brands and then switched to Forever Living after comparing K the results.

NUTRIENT INFORMATION (In milligrams per ounce)

Nutrient Calcium Phosphorus Copper Iron Magnesium Manganese Potassium Sodium

Stabilized Gel 14.32 .90 .01 .05 2.72 .10 17.57 5.21

Amino Acid Aspartic Acid Glutamic Acid Alanine Isoleucine Phenylalanine Threonine Proline Valine Leucine Histidine Serine Glycine Methionine Lysine Arginine Tyrosine Tryptophan Amino Acids Proteins

Stabilized Gel .80 1.04 .65 .41 .41 .89 .50 .41 1.01 .41 .59 .41 .41 1.21 .41 .41 .89 7.10 .1%

“If the diet is wrong

then medicines are of no use, If the diet is right then medicines are of no need.” A text from Ayurvedic records – 500BC



The Original a






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Go –

“You ask me what were the secret forces which sustained me during my long fasts. Well, it was my unshakable faith in God, my simple and frugal lifestyle, and the Aloe whose benefits I discovered upon my arrival in South Africa at the end of the 19th Century.” - Mahatma Gandhi


Please send your comments to The Director Operations

Forever Plaza, The Silver Mist, 74 Hill Road, Bandra (W), Mumbai - 400 050. India

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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.