An Overview of Applications and Insights (2024)




*Lian-zhen Zhang, School of Transportation Science and Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin510001,China.


Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin510001,China

Xin-yu Chen  Lian-zhen Zhang\orgdivSchool of Transportation Science and Engineering,\orgnameHarbin Institute of Technology, \orgaddress\stateHarbin, \countryChina\orgdivSchool of Transportation and Civil Engineering,\orgnameShenzhen University, \orgaddress\stateShenzhen, \countryChina\orgdivNational Key Laboratory of Green Longevity Road Engineering for Extreme Environments,\orgnameMinistry of Science and Technology, \orgaddress\stateShenzhen, \  X.-Y. Chen  Y.-W Zhu  Y. Hou  L.-Z. Zhang

(1 August 2024; 1 August 2024; 1 August 2024)


[Summary]In various industrial fields of human social development, people are constantlyexploring technologies to free human labor. The construction of LLM-based agents is considered to beone of the most effective tools to achieve this goal. LLM-based agents, as a kind of human-likeintelligent entities with the ability of perception, planning, decision-making, and action, havealready created great production value in the fields. As the most important transportationinfrastructure, how to keep bridges in safe service is a major industry need, and research onintelligent operation and maintenance technologies is urgently needed. In general, the bridgeoperation and maintenance field show a relatively low level of intelligence compared to otherindustries. Nevertheless, numerous intelligent inspection devices, machine learning algorithms,and autonomous evaluation and decision-making methods have been developed in the field of bridgeoperation and maintenance, which provides a feasible basis for breakthroughs in this field. Thisstudy aims to explore the impact of LLM-based agents on the field of bridge operation and maintenanceand to analyze the potential challenges and opportunities they bring to the core tasks. Throughin-depth research and analysis, this paper expects to provide a more comprehensive perspective forunderstanding the application of LLM-based agents in the field of bridge intelligent operation andmaintenance.


,,, (\cyear2024),\ctitleRevolutionizing Bridge Operation and Maintenance with LLM-based Agents:An Overview of Applications and Insights, \cjournal:, \cvol2024;.


Bridge, Operation, Maintenance, Large Language Model, Agent

articletype: Article Type00footnotetext: Abbreviations: LLMs, Large Language Models; O&M, Operation and Maintenance

1 Introduction

Within the past decade or so, China has made great achievements in the construction of highwaybridges, with the maximum span breaking through and the number of bridges increasing. By the endof 2023, there were 1,079,300 existing highway bridges in China. At the same time, a large numberof bridge structures have entered the middle and late stages of service one after another, and safetyaccidents are frequent, causing widespread concern in society. Optimizing the operation andmaintenance of existing bridges to maintain and improve their safety performance and servicestatus has become an urgent need for the society.

Highway bridge operation and maintenance enhance structural safety and efficiencythrough technological innovation and management strategies, realizing sensor monitoring31, 70, dronedetection, algorithmic optimization of disease identification, scientific evaluation methods76, 13, andmultilevel maintenance decision-making system30, 6, which lays the foundation for the intelligentdevelopment of the industry. However, there are many problems, such as poor stability of bridgeperception data and high data processing delay. The technical evaluation dimension is single, andthe model accuracy is low. Operation and maintenance decision-making lack of data support, low levelof intelligence. Bridge operation and maintenance intelligence is still in the primary stage, needto strengthen the state perception, evaluation system, decision support and integration withartificial intelligence technology.

The problems faced by bridge O&M urgently require LLM-based agents technology to solve them.Agents, as human-like intelligent entities, are capable of perception, planning, decision-makingand action autonomously96, 26.Although limited to specific tasks such as Go games or book retrieval inthe early days, the Transformer architecture introduced by 90 has greatly boosted thedevelopment of Language Models. Large Language Models such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google Bert’shave brought new hope to the study of agents by significantly improving comprehension, summarization,reasoning, and language processing with their excellent generalization capabilities. These LargeLanguage Models are now regarded as the “brain” of agents, and have great potential for applicationin the field of bridge operation and maintenance.

In the context of the current rapid development of the research field of Large Language Models andAgents, the emergence rate of new Large Models and Agents has increased significantly. The academiccommunity has paid great attention to this, and the publication of related research results has showna sharp increase. This shows that AI technology is gradually penetrating and transforming variousindustries. Therefore, it is necessary to explore and introduce the corresponding advanced technologyin the field of bridge operation and maintenance in order to promote the innovative development ofthis field.

At the current research stage, agents are more mature in perception, planning, decision-making, andaction. However, the bridge O&M domain is not sufficiently automated and intelligent in terms ofdisposition sensing, data prediction, performance evaluation, decision constraints, emergencyresponse, and disaster mitigation. Therefore, the new generation bridge O&M management systemshould integrate LLM-based agent technology to equip each bridge with a personal assistant. Atthe same time, the system should consider the complementary and independent relationships ofbridge clusters at the road network level to realize synergy, cooperation and competition amongagents. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how agents can optimize bridge O&M tasks, how tobuild a bridge O&M intelligent system, and to analyze the impact of AI on the future development ofthe bridge O&M field, as well as the opportunities and challenges that may be encountered with thedevelopment of agents.

An Overview of Applications and Insights (1)

2 Background

In this section, we provide a detailed overview of the evolution of bridge operation and maintenance and LLM-based agentsresearch. We find that the shortcomings of modern bridge health monitoring techniques match theadvantages of LLM-based agents. By analyzing the development trajectories of both, we propose theuse of LLM-based agents to invigorate the field of bridge operation and maintenance and to promote industrial innovationin the current productivity context.

An Overview of Applications and Insights (2)

2.1 Review of Bridge Operation and maintenance Research

The Bridge Management and Maintenance System is responsible for the health management of bridgesthroughout their life cycle, with functions including data collection, integration and storage,equipment management, condition assessment, performance prediction, strategy development andemergency response. The system is planned during the construction phase to monitor critical areasand sensitive parameters. After the bridge is completed, the difference between the actual operatingcondition of the bridge and the design expectation is assessed based on factors such as materialaging, structural characteristics and traffic load. It is worth emphasizing that the goal of abridge management and maintenance system is not to keep bridges in optimal condition at all times,but rather to ensure that the long-term operation of bridges produces the maximum economic benefitto society, within the constraints of limited financial budgets, bridge substitutability, roadnetwork importance and accident prevention.

After the occurrence of major accidents on bridges, people began to realize that bridges need toestablish a special system, which is responsible for the regular inspection and periodic maintenanceof bridges to ensure the normal use of bridges and to reduce the occurrence of vicious events.The development of bridge health monitoring systems is divided into three main stages:

The first phase was from the 1960s to the 1980s, when bridge maintenance records were based on paperdocuments. During this period, bridge information was updated infrequently, and documents were poorlycirculated and standardized. Typically, bridge maintenance activities were carried out only whenthere was significant damage or accidents to the structure. During this period, bridge maintenancesystems were mainly found in countries where bridge construction was carried out early, such asSweden and the United States82.

The second stage is from the 1980s to the end of the twentieth century, when the bridge maintenancesystem was constructed as a more complete software system. This stage is marked by the improvementof the bridge maintenance software system, the development of which was born out of the originalpaper-based document system, and evolved with the progress of computer technology. Maintenanceinformation is gradually transferred from the traditional paper media to computer storage, themain forms include text, tables and images. Software system functions are also gradually enriched,covering bridge information management, daily monitoring and maintenance records, and maintenancedecision support and other aspects. The most representative system at this stage is the U.S. PONTIS88,after the completion of the system in the United States, people realize the importance of buildingbridge maintenance software, each country began to build their own bridge maintenance system, therepresentatives of Europe, including Denmark’s Danbro, the United Kingdom’s NATS, France’s Edouard,Norway’s Brutus55,the representatives of Asia, including the Japan’s J- BMS of Japan, BMS of Koreaand CMBS of China40.

The third stage is from the twenty-first century to the present, where the effective integrationof novel algorithms and theories has realized the double improvement of bridge structural safetyand operation and maintenance efficiency.

There are mainly three kinds of innovations in algorithms and theories. (1) In the developmentof algorithms, the integration of high-precision image processing, laser point cloud 3Dreconstruction and holographic photography technology has improved the accuracy of theidentification of bridge surface diseases and real-time detection of structural service state;(2) In the evaluation of bridge technical condition, scholars have developed a variety of evaluationmethods, including the fuzzy theory, hierarchical analysis and disease weighting system, in orderto scientifically assess the technical condition of bridges; (3) In the research of maintenancedecision-making, a system of decision-making programs covering single bridge to road network levelhas been formed to meet the needs of bridge maintenance at different scales.

There are two main types of innovations in intelligent equipment. (1) during the constructionprocess, a large number of sensors are integrated to monitor in real time the external environmentand structural status of the bridge, such as traffic load, structural stress and other keyparameters; (2) in the operation and maintenance phase of the bridge, advanced equipment, such asunmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), rope-climbing robots and multifunctional inspection robots areused to realize dynamic monitoring of the health status and support management and maintenancedecision-making.

It can be seen that the development history of bridge management system shows that each significantprogress is accompanied by innovative breakthroughs in computer technology.

2.2 Overview of LLM-based Agents Research

In order to realize AI as a substitute for human labor, LLM-based agents must possess two keyconditions: first, they should possess advanced comprehension capabilities covering in-depthunderstanding of written language, speech, images, and video, as well as the ability to accuratelyinterpret human intentions and generate autonomous feedback. Second, LLM-based agents should havethe ability to effectively invoke tools or devices, which involves not only direct human manipulationof tools, but more advanced LLM-based agents should be able to perceive the physical environmentthrough sensors and independently mobilize appropriate tools for real-world self-regulation. Thissection next explores in detail current human exploration and progress in these two areas.

An Overview of Applications and Insights (3)

2.2.1 Larger Language Models

Language modeling (LM) is the most important task in the field of Natural Language Processing,which is essentially a synthesis of Natural Language Understanding and Natural LanguageGeneration8.By enabling computers to learn a large amount of human language data and applyingspecific methods to predict the conditional probabilities between individual tokens (tokens in thispaper take words in a sentence as an example) in a language, we are able to characterize the logicalrelationships between tokens, thus enabling the language model to understand and generate fluentnatural language62.Realizing machines with human-like writing and communication capabilities has beena long-term goal pursued by human beings. In academia, the development of language models is usuallydivided into four main stages64:

The first stage is the statistical language modeling (SLM) stage. In this phase, the representationof words relies on solo heat vectors characterized by a sparse set of vectors representing words89.Although this approach fails to reflect logical relations in the representation of word vectors, itprovides an intuitive and understandable way of characterization. As for the characterization ofsentences, Markov’s assumption is used to reveal the logical connections between words in a sentencethrough conditional probabilities. Specifically, this model fixes the context length, which is alsocalled n-gram language model, among which the bigram and trigram models are the most common11, 45. Thisphase of language modeling is mainly used for information retrieval47, 33, 101. However, the main challengefaced by statistical language models is the “curse of dimensionality”, i.e., as the vocabularyincreases, the parameter space required by the model grows exponentially. To alleviate this problem,techniques such as smoothing strategies are widely used to mitigate the effects of data sparsity15, 72.

The second stage is the Neural Language Model (NLM) stage. Researchers have utilized the word2vecmethod to map words to a low-rank vector space , thus effectively overcoming the sparsity problemin the statistical language model17, 53, 49.This approach not only enables word vectors to characterizelogical relations, but also allows intuitive mathematical connections between vectors. Meanwhile,through neural network techniques, such as multilayer perceptual machines49 and recurrent neural networks58, 71, 27,researchers are able to learn from a large amount of natural language data toobtain vector representations of words. This distributed word representation approach hasdemonstrated excellent performance in several downstream tasks of natural language processing (NLP),such as machine translation, marking a major breakthrough in the field of NLP in terms ofrepresentation learning and having a far-reaching impact on subsequent research.

The third stage is the pre-trained model (PLM) stage22.Unlike the aforementioned Markov chain model,PLM utilizes recurrent neural networks to capture word interactions within sentences25, 28.Subsequently, Google’s proposed Transformer architecture introduced self-attention mechanisms andpositional coding, which greatly improved the model’s parallel processing capabilities, enabling itto quickly learn a large amount of generalized knowledge and efficiently capture the logicalrelationships between words90.This innovation has given rise to pre-trained language models such asBERT and GPT-2. By fine-tuning these pre-trained models on specific tasks, they have achievedsignificant performance gains in almost all downstream tasks of natural language processing (NLP).

The fourth stage is the Large Language Model (LLM) stage. In the current stage, the number ofparameters of the language model breaks through the level of billions, tens of billions and evenhundreds of billions. As the model parameters reach new orders of magnitude, the model experiences’emergence’ phenomenon, and the model performance shows a leapfrog improvement, requiring only asmall amount of learning to improve the model performance on a specific task4. For example, GPT-3 isable to solve specific tasks excellently with simple contextual learning, while GPT-2 performsrelatively poorly, highlighting the important impact of parameter size on model performance. Alongwith the release of ChatGPT, large-scale language models have become the hottest research in AI, withgreat achievements in areas such as medicine, finance, and autonomous driving94. In 2023, the updateiteration length of large models reaches the unit of days, and their capabilities in multimodaldomains such as text, speech, image, and video have been rapidly improved and enriched with features,and they have achieved performance beyond the human average in several tasks14.

It can be seen that with the development of the field of Natural Language Processing, especially therecent emergence of Large Language Models, computers are equipped with the first condition for therealization of LLM-based agents: advanced comprehension capabilities, including in-depthunderstanding of written language, speech, images, and video, as well as the ability to accuratelyinterpret human intentions and generate autonomous feedback. This builds a “brain” for LLM-basedagents, and the next step is to focus on how to equip the brain with the ability to act.

An Overview of Applications and Insights (4)

2.2.2 LLM-based Agents

Agent belongs to the field of Artificial Intelligence, which aims to construct a human-likeintelligent entity capable of perceiving the environment in real time, making decisions and takingresponsive actions73.The main difference between LLM-based agents and expert systems is reflected intheir autonomy, LLM-based agents are able to perceive the environment in real time, rely on theknowledge base and chain of thought, generate decisions in line with human expectations, and actaccordingly97.Humans have always been committed to building LLM-based agents with an intelligencelevel comparable to their own and with the ability to act, and the development of LLM-based agentscan be divided into four main stages:

The first stage is the symbolic agents stage. In this early stage, researchers worked to createentities capable of making decisions95.The initial strategy was to formulate a large number of rules,input judgment conditions and feedback into the computer, and make it respond according to theserules. During this period, expert systems were representative of symbolic LLM-based agents. Theadvantage of symbolic LLM-based agents is their excellent interpretability, which clearly revealsthe computer’s thought processes75, 57.However, their limitations are equally significant: the limitednature of the rule input makes it difficult to handle complex real-world inputs, and as the numberof rules increases, symbolic LLM-based agents are limited in their speed of response and are unableto react quickly to inputs41, 74.

The second stage is the Reactive agents stage. Unlike symbolic agents, LLM-based agents are centeredon their immediate perception and response to changes in the environment10, 54, 63. Unlike symbolic LLM-basedagents, which focus on symbolic manipulation and complex logical reasoning, LLM-based agents focus onestablishing a direct mapping between inputs and environmental stimuli as well as between outputs andbehavioral responses77, 9.The goal is to achieve accurate and rapid responses with minimal computational resources.

The third stage is the Reinforcement learning-based agents stage. Thanks to increased computationalpower, LLM-based agents are able to handle more complex tasks through interaction with theenvironment59.The reinforcement learning framework emphasizes that LLM-based agents must learn to makedecisions to maximize the cumulative rewards under the constraints of the given tasks and rules whileinteracting with the environment, so as to ensure that the choices made at each step are the optimalsolutions in the current context86.Initially, reinforcement learning LLM-based agents relied on basictechniques such as policy search and value function optimization, typically Q-learning92 and SARSA93.Subsequently, with the advancement of deep learning techniques, deep reinforcement learning hasemerged, which combines the strengths of both and allows the agents to process high-dimensionalinputs and to learn higher-level policies, as shown by AlphaGo79 and DQN60. The main advantage of thisapproach is the ability of LLM-based agents to autonomously adapt to unknown environments withouthuman intervention. Nevertheless, reinforcement learning still faces challenges of long trainingcycles, inefficient sample utilization, and application in unstable environments.

The fourth stage is the Large Language Model-based agents (LLM-based agents) stage. As mentionedearlier, Large Language Models have demonstrated significant performance and can be utilized as thebrain of LLM-based agents43.LLM-based agents extend perception and action capabilities throughstrategies such as multimodal perception103, 37and tool invocation44, 34, enhance planning and reasoningcapabilities through techniques such as thought chaining and problem decomposition35, 102, and gain theability to interact with the environment by learning from and responding to feedback84, 36. LLM-basedagents acquire generalization capabilities by learning a large training set, thus enabling freeswitching between different tasks, and have been applied to various real-world tasks in areas suchas financial services, smart homes, education and training, healthcare, and intelligent customerservice.

It can be seen that LLM-based agents based on Large Language Model can already realize autonomousperception, planning, decision-making and action through natural language interaction. Although thereis still a long way to go before the realization of general artificial intelligence, the currentresearch has made computers initially equipped with two conditions for the realization of LLMagents-based agents, which not only have advanced comprehension capabilities, but also have theability to effectively invoke tools or devices to perceive the physical environment through sensorsand independently mobilize the appropriate tools in order to achieve self-regulation of the real world.

2.3 Why Bridge Operation and Maintenance Need LLM-based Agents

China has promoted the development of intelligent management of infrastructure through continuoustechnological innovation and engineering practice in the construction and maintenance management ofhighway bridges. However, there are still many problems in the current research:

  • In terms of bridgedisposition perception, the stability of data collected by sensors is insufficient, and the delaybetween data collection and data processing of intelligent devices is high, which can not meet thereal-time demand

  • In terms of bridge technology evaluation, there is only a single operation andmaintenance scenario description, with a single operation and maintenance disposition indicator andan incomplete evaluation dimension. The accuracy of the existing nature evolution model is low, thedegree of intelligence of the performance evaluation method is low, and the false alarm rate ofperformance warning is high

  • In terms of bridge operation and maintenance decision-making, thecorrelation between the data of different dimensions of the bridge operation and maintenance indexesis not strong, and the evolution law of the bridge performance is not clear39. Disease database issingle, and there is a lack of database to support O&M decision-making. The existing operation andmaintenance platform is mainly for data collection, display, equipment control and data management,intelligent, automated decision-making control ability is low, weak interaction ability.

It can be seen that the intelligent level of bridge operation and maintenance is still at a relatively earlystage, and there are many problems in the state perception, technical evaluation, operation andmaintenance decision-making, and response to extreme events. The existing operation and maintenanceplatform mainly has basic functions such as data collection, display, equipment control and datamanagement, but it is still insufficient in terms of intelligence, automated decision-making controland interaction capability. Obviously, the degree of intelligence in the field of bridge operationand maintenance is still in the primary stage, and the combination with advanced artificialintelligence technology is not close enough.

Therefore, the new generation bridge O&M management system should incorporate LLM-based agentstechnology to equip each large-span bridge with a personal assistant. At the same time, the systemshould also be based on the road network level, considering the complementary and independentrelationships between bridge clusters, and realizing the synergy, cooperation, and competitiverelationships among different LLM-based agents. Studies have shown that coordination among multipleintelligences may generate social phenomena among computers, which suggests that the construction ofsingle bridge LLM-based agents as well as the synergy and cooperation among bridge clusterintelligences at the road network level have full potential to be the future direction of bridgeoperation and maintenance.

3 Methodology for Constructing Bridge Operation and maintenance LLM-based Agents

The integration of Large Language Models and agents is rapidly evolving, but in the O&M management ofbridge structures, complex bridge engineering knowledge and specialized O&M skills are required. Theacquisition and accurate construction of specialized knowledge is critical for the performance ofLLM-based agents in downstream tasks. Our goal is to embed specialized knowledge into intelligentagents to support automation and LLM-based agents for bridge O&M management. In this section, wedescribe the methodology for building LLM-based agents ontologies in specialized domains.

3.1 Knowledge Source

In order to realize the specialized functions of LLM-based agents, this paper suggests buildingspecialized domain intelligences using a combination of distributed knowledge, structured knowledge,and multi-round conversation data.

An Overview of Applications and Insights (5)
Distributed Knowledge

Distributed knowledge is i.e., natural linguistic expertise.Although current LLM-based agents showexcellent comprehension and generation capabilities in general-purpose domains, mainstream LargeLanguage Models lack specialized domain knowledge in the pre-training dataset, thus making itdifficult to meet the demands of practical engineering applications. China’s Bridge TechnicalCondition Evaluation Standard divides bridge inspections into daily inspections, frequentinspections, periodic inspections, and special inspections, and after decades of constructionin China’s bridge engineering field, tens of thousands of inspection reports have been accumulated,which can be used as a key source of data for LLM-based agents’ specialization. Meanwhile, textssuch as academic papers, specialized books and industry specifications in the field of bridges arealso the main sources of data. However, distributed knowledge alone does notachieve good results because the complexity and depth of the bridge O&M domain require LLM-basedagents to have structured knowledge to address their shortcomings in the depth of knowledgerepresentation. Therefore, in the bridge domain, LLM-based agents need to have both high-qualitydistributed and structured knowledge to achieve better performance.

An Overview of Applications and Insights (6)
Structured Knowledge

A typical expression of structured knowledge is the knowledge graph, a concept introduced by81, which is essentially a structured way of organizing knowledge. Knowledge graph can beregarded as a kind of knowledge relationship graph, consisting of nodes and edges, where nodesrepresent entities or concepts and edges represent attributes or relationships. The applicationof knowledge graph can effectively solve the problem of the depth of knowledge expression ofintelligences in the field of bridge O&M. Distributed knowledge by itself is not sufficient foragents to understand the logical relationships in bridge engineering and structural O&M. It isrecommended to construct a multilevel O&M knowledge base covering system-structure-components ofbridges, perception-evaluation-decision making in O&M, principle-expression-treatment measures ofbridge diseases, and preprocessing-threshold setting-abnormal value handling of bridge data in orderto enhance the accuracy and professionalism of the agents. However, even with the combination ofdistributed and structured knowledge, agents still face challenges in realizing the cyclic dialogdataset of inquiry/command-feedback/action.

Multi-round Dialog Dataset

Multi-round conversation datasets involve not only linguistic conversations, but alignment betweenLLM-based agents and human commands in a broad sense. At the Large Language Model level, in order tounderstand human intentions, a multi-round Q-A (query-feedback) dataset, i.e., a large amount ofquery and feedback data, is required80, 99, 1.In this process, the design of prompt templates (prompt wordengineering) is crucial, which needs to guide the model to output the desired results withoutupdating the weights of the Large Language Model according to the actual needs of the specializeddomain. At the level of LLM-based agents, in order to realize the automatic maintenance of bridgestructures, multiple rounds of I-A (instruction-action) datasets, i.e., a large number of instructionand action datasets, are required23.Currently, a variety of intelligent algorithms and advanceddevices have been developed in the field of bridge operation and maintenance, and the multi-roundI-A dataset can help LLM-based agents invoke these tools more effectively to accomplish theautomatic maintenance of bridges. It is worth noting that each tool invocation cannot be supportedby a large number of algorithms and hardware development techniques.

3.2 Construction of the Ontology for LLM-based Agents

Current Large Language Models are generalized Large Models trained by a few companies based onInternet data, which perform unsatisfactorily in the professional domain. It is mainly because theabove Large Language Models lack the training of specialized datasets in the training process.Previously, we introduced the sources of training data, and next we introduce the method of buildingLLM-based agents.

Fine-tuning of LLM

Fine-tuning of large language models involves further training of pre-trained models usingdomain-specific datasets to optimize their performance on specific tasks65, 12. This process aims to makethe model better adapted to and perform domain-specific tasks. Fine-tuning involves the tuning ofboth the Embedded Model and the Large Language Model66.Fine-tuning of the embedding model involvesmapping natural language into low-dimensional vectors to express logical relationships between words,which requires the use of distributed data to capture specialized noun entities from a large numberof data sources. Fine-tuning Large Language Models, on the other hand, requires updating modelparameters with a variety of data, and most open-source models provide official fine-tuning methodsaccordingly. However, fine-tuning Large Language Models requires both strong computational power andspecialized knowledge, and is accompanied by a certain degree of uncertainty that makes it difficultto accurately predict the performance of the model after fine-tuning87, 20, 69. Currently, commonly usedmethods include Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and Chain of Thought (CoT) techniques to guidethe model to accomplish specific tasks. Although these methods may have limited enhancement of modelcapabilities, they provide better stability.

RAG and CoT

Retrieval Enhanced Generation (RAG) is a technique to improve the question and answer quality andinteraction capabilities of generative AI by utilizing additional data resources without changing theparameters of Large Language Models. The workflow of RAG includes loading external documents,document segmentation, content vectorization, data retrieval, and finally answer generation48. However,a limitation of RAG is that it may lead to retrieval failure of valid results for the case ofsemantically identical but differently worded questions, a problem that decreases as the quality ofthe embedded model improves. CoT significantly improves the performance of Large Language Models byguiding them to progressively engage in the process of decomposing a complex question into a seriesof sub-problems and solving them sequentially24.A generic template for the CoT technique shouldcontain the question, reasoning process, and the answer as three core components to guide thereasoning and generation process of the model.

Langchain build Agent

LangChain is a state-of-the-art Large Language Model development framework that integrates LargeLanguage Models, Embedded Models, Interaction Layer Prompts (Prompts), External Knowledge, andExternal Tools to provide a flexible solution for building LLM-based agents. LangChain consists ofsix core components including Models, Prompts, Indexes, Memory, Chains, and Agents. Indexes, Memory,Chains and Agents. These components are connected to each other in the form of chains, enablingLLM-based agents to realize autonomous perception, planning, decision-making and action42. Theframework not only empowers LLM-based agents with advanced understanding, but also enhances theirability to invoke tools or devices56, 91.LLM-based agents are able to perceive the physical environmentthrough sensors and independently mobilize appropriate tools for automation and intelligence inbridge O&M management.

3.3 Qualitative Result Evaluation

The previous section of this paper introduced the methods for preparing and constructing the datarequired for LLM-based agents. Based on this, this section will focus on the assessment frameworkand evaluation criteria for LLM-based agents.

Along with the introduction of large-scale language models, several widely adopted evaluationstandards have been established in the industry, including MMLU32,BIG-bench83, and HELM7, as well as aseries of human benchmark tests and evaluation tests focusing on model-specific capabilities. Inaddition, there are evaluation benchmarks focusing on model-specific capabilities, such as theTyDiQA18benchmark focusing on knowledge application and the MGSM68 benchmark focusing on mathematical reasoning. In order to conduct an effective assessment, the selection of benchmarks should be based on the specific objectives of the assessment.

While assessment benchmarks, as previously described, have been widely adopted in evaluating thecomprehension and production capabilities of large language models, they fail to adequately assessthe models’ ability to plan and make decisions in complex environments, as well as the ability ofLLM-based agents to act. As LLM-based agents technology advances, there is increasing academicinterest in assessing the responsiveness of LLM-based agents in complex environments52.

Currently, while there are no widely accepted benchmarks for the assessment of LLM-based agents,researchers have made significant progress in proposing candidate benchmarks that may become futureassessment standards. For example, ToolBench29is a fine-tuned dataset for evaluating intelligences’ invocation of single- and multi-tool commands;TE3 evaluates the multifaceted ability of languagemodels to simulate human behavior; MetaTool38aims to assess whether Large Language Models consciouslyinvoke tools and select the appropriate tool for problem solving; andLLM-Co2 focuses on LLM-basedagents’ ability to infer partners’ intentions in games, engage in reasoning and the ability tocooperate over time. LLM-based agents are usually assessed on a task-specific basis and with acertain degree of ambiguity. As LLM-based agents, especially in the field of multi-intelligentcollaboration, methods for effectively tracking and evaluating the properties of intelligences willbecome increasingly important.

An Overview of Applications and Insights (7)

3.4 An Example of LLM-based agent Framework

This framework aims to build LLM-based agents system that integrates bridge monitoring, operationand maintenance perception, indicator prediction, condition evaluation, intelligent decision-makingand autonomous action. The core of this system lies in the integration of several advanced LargeLanguage Models, and the combination of Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, MachineLearning, and Big Data technologies, to realize the comprehensive monitoring and intelligentmanagement of the bridge condition.

Operations and Maintenance Perception Layer

(1) Monitoring end equipment. Including various types of sensors (e.g., stress sensors, displacementsensors, vibration sensors, environmental monitoring stations, etc.), real-time collection of bridgestructural health data, environmental parameters (e.g., temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc.) andtraffic flow information. (2) Data collection and pre-processing. Aggregate the monitoring data tothe data center through the IoT gateway, and perform pre-processing such as cleaning, compression,encryption, etc., to ensure data quality and security.

Intelligent Processing Layer

(1) Multimodal data processing. Integrate structured data (e.g., sensor readings) with unstructureddata (e.g., bridge construction information, maintenance records, historical documents) and extractkey information using NLP techniques. Understand textual information, such as maintenance reports anddesign documents, based on models such as BERT. (2) Indicator prediction model. Establish a finiteelement model of the bridge, based on physical laws, combined with sequence models such as LSTM,Transformer, etc., to predict the damage and remaining life of the bridge and identify potentialrisks. (3) Condition evaluation model. Comprehensive assessment of the bridge’s structuralperformance, durability and maintenance needs, evaluating the bridge’s service level and functionalperformance, detecting and evaluating the degradation of materials due to environmental factors.(4) Intelligent decision-making model. Natural language generation using the GPT series of models todevelop bridge maintenance, resource allocation, and risk management strategies to assist managersin making informed data-based decisions using a decision support system to ensure sustainable bridgeoperation and maximize economic benefits.

Operations and Maintenance Task Scheduling

Integrate the model of the intelligent processing layer, construct a knowledge graph, realizecross-domain knowledge fusion and complex problem reasoning, transform decisions into specific O&Mtasks, and realize the unmanned and autonomous use of structural health monitoring systems, drones,robotic cleaning systems, automated inspection vehicles, intelligent monitoring systems, andautomated maintenance equipment in bridge O&M, especially in harsh or hazardous environments.During the execution of bridge O&M tasks, the execution effect is continuously monitored andfeedback data is collected for optimizing subsequent decisions.

4 Potential Development Directions of LLM-based Agents in Bridge Operation and Maintenance

Automation and intelligence of bridge O&M is the key to improve O&M efficiency and enhance safetyand reliability. Through real-time monitoring, intelligent analysis and predictive maintenance, itrealizes optimal allocation of resources, reduces O&M costs, and enhances the public’s trust inbridge safety, which is an important development direction for bridge management in the future. Inthe field of bridge O&M, the integration of LLM-based agents is expected to reduce labor costs,reduce subjective judgments, improve management efficiency, and enable rapid response to emergencysituations. This section describes some of the research elements that need to be focused on forbridge O&M intelligence.

4.1 Large Language Model for Bridge Operations and Maintenance Domain

Currently, Large Language Models in vertical fields are booming. In China, a number of industrieshave launched customized large language models, such as “Hua Tuo” in the medical and healthindustry, “Xuan Yuan” in the financial field, “Han Fei” in the legal industry, and “Red Rabbit” in the field of intelligent customer service and marketing. Through deep learning and natural language processing technologies, these models accurately matchthe needs of various industries, providing a full range of intelligent solutions.

As an important transportation infrastructure, the efficiency of operation and maintenance managementof bridges is directly related to the safety, smoothness and efficiency of the transportationsystem. The construction of Large Language Model in the field of bridge O&M and its use as thecore hub of bridge intelligent management system can realize automated monitoring system andintelligent data analysis. The development and application of Bridge O&M Large Language Model isof great theoretical and practical significance to promote the development of bridge O&M managementin the direction of intelligence and efficiency.

An Overview of Applications and Insights (8)

4.2 Multimodal Knowledge Graph for Bridge Operations and Maintenance Domain

Building a multimodal knowledge graph in bridge operation and maintenance is a research anddevelopment effort aimed at integrating knowledge and data related to bridge operation andmaintenance, and enhancing the intelligence of bridge management through multimodal informationprocessing technology. Large Language Model demonstrates excellent multimodal processingcapabilities, especially in image and video processing46, 51.However, in the field of bridge operationand maintenance, the processing capability of existing generalized Large Language Models for imagesis still at a low level. For example, in bridge disease picture recognition, even the best modelscan only recognize bridge cracks with unsatisfactory accuracy. There are a wide variety of bridgediseases, including cracked concrete, spalled and exposed reinforcement, weathering, honeycomb, andwater seepage in reinforced concrete bridges, as well as fracture, corrosion, coating defects, andsling relaxation in steel bridges, which cannot be effectively recognized by existing models.

An Overview of Applications and Insights (9)

To address this problem, combining the multimodal processing capability of Large Language Model withthe rich data in the field of bridge inspection, constructing a multimodal knowledge graph for bridgeO&M, establishing a hierarchical knowledge system, systematically classifying bridge diseases,components, parts, and structures, and realizing real-time processing of pictures and videoscollected on site will be a promising research direction. The construction of multimodal knowledgegraph in the field of bridge operation and maintenance can not only improve the intelligent levelof bridge operation and maintenance management, but also provide strong knowledge support for thewhole life cycle management of bridges.

4.3 Automatic Generation of Bridge Reports and Assisted Decision-Making

Currently, most knowledge management Q&A systems in the field of bridge maintenance are based onknowledge graphs100, 50, 67.Knowledge graph-based Q&A systems need to extract structured knowledge from bridgedesign, construction, operation, management, inspection, and other data, a process that istime-consuming and labor-intensive, and difficult to handle unstructured or semi-structured data16.In addition, structured knowledge expressions may lead to error transmission and accumulation, andthe accuracy of knowledge extraction decreases dramatically when data complexity increases.

An Overview of Applications and Insights (10)

4.4 Tools Calling LLM-based Agents

In the field of bridge operation and maintenance, the introduction of Large Language Model-basedinteraction systems can gradually reshape its traditional paradigm. The Large Language Model-basedQ&A system adopts an unsupervised language model learning approach to map the knowledge to acontinuous numerical space, effectively overcoming a series of problems of traditional knowledgeextraction methods85, 78.With its excellent natural language understanding and generation capabilities,the system not only greatly improves the intelligence of information retrieval and knowledgeservices, but also promotes the automation and intelligence of operation and maintenance processes.O&M personnel can easily query all kinds of O&M records and reports through natural language, whileLarge Language Model can quickly provide precise information to assist decision-making, andautomatically mine potential problems from massive data to enhance the predictability of O&M.Meanwhile, the automated report generation function significantly reduces the time and errors ofmanual report writing and improves work efficiency.

Traditional bridge operation and maintenance management often relies on manual inspection and regulartesting, which is not only inefficient, but also difficult to comprehensively and accurately graspthe actual condition of the bridge. In recent years, with the improvement of bridge inspectionefficiency and quality needs, the development of intelligent inspection equipment and technologyhas gradually matured, covering drones, rope-climbing robots, underwater robots, sonar detectiondevices, as well as image acquisition technology, laser point-cloud scanning technology, holographicphotography technology and so on. The future research direction is bound to realize the automationand unmanned operation and maintenance management of bridges, and the application of LLM-based agentsbased on Large Language Model is expected to realize this goal.

Firstly, LLM-based agents realize accurate real-time monitoring of bridge structural health andenvironmental parameters by seamlessly integrating and scheduling a variety of monitoring systemsand sensors, utilizing Large Language Models to quickly analyze the data and discover potentialanomalies in a timely manner, ensuring the accuracy of monitoring. Secondly, LLM-based agents areexpected to realize automatic scheduling of advanced equipment such as drones and intelligent robotsto perform complex tasks such as high-altitude inspection and internal maintenance, realizingautomation and unmanned maintenance operations. This not only improves maintenance efficiency, butalso reduces personnel safety risks. These LLM-based agents maintain real-time communication with theintelligent body, ensuring accurate execution and efficient management of maintenance work.

An Overview of Applications and Insights (11)

5 Future Trends and Challenges

5.1 Trend

Lightweight and Fast Response

With the development of large-scale language models, their parameter sizes have reached the billionlevel, showing excellent performance in many aspects21.However, when applying these Large LanguageModels to bridge operation and management, they face the demands of lightweight deployment and fastresponse. The multimodal monitoring data of bridges are transmitted in real time, and massive dataare rapidly accumulated, but the computational resources are limited. Therefore, the research focusis shifted to the fast identification of heterogeneous multimodal data from multiple sources and thedevelopment of high-quality, lightweight, and low-latency models, which are crucial to realize theapplication of Large Language Model-based agents in bridge O&M.

Flexible tool invocation

Large Language Model provides LLM-based agents with powerful understanding and reasoningcapabilities, enabling them to perform autonomous planning and action planning in complexenvironments. However, in the face of diverse intelligent devices in different domains, it isnecessary to develop unified interfaces to interface LLM agents-based agents, and develop specificalgorithms for different tools, so as to realize the understanding of semantic information of theenvironment, as well as the recognition of obstacle and target information through the interactionbetween the Large Language Model and the intelligent devices, thus generating appropriate planningsolutions.

5.2 Limitations or Challenges

Professional synergies and barriers

The industrialization of AI needs to be closely integrated with professionals in multiple fields,and the application of LLM-based agents in the field of bridge operation and maintenance requiresresearchers to have cross-disciplinary knowledge, such as bridge engineering, structural mechanics,mechanics of materials, road surveying and geology, as well as the corresponding engineering skills.Meanwhile, bridge engineering researchers need to master multi-disciplinary skills such as NaturalLanguage Processing, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Large Language Model, and software and hardwaredevelopment capabilities. This reveals the barriers and challenges in cross-disciplinarycollaboration.

Engineering Ethics and Responsibility

In engineering applications, the health of bridge structures is critical to the transportationnetwork and any damage may have social implications. LLM-based agents’ recommendations and programsmay involve loss of property or life, and the issue of responsibility attribution needs to beaddressed urgently. Currently, LLM-based agents are mainly used as decision aids or action tools.In the future, multi-model collaboration will face user privacy and data security challenges,requiring multi-party cooperation to establish a sound regulatory and ethical framework.

6 Conclusion

In the course of this study, we have successfully constructed a LLM-based agents, aiming to breakthrough the development bottleneck in the field of bridge operation and maintenance and to promotethe intelligent transformation of this industry. By comprehensively analyzing the current developmentstatus of the bridge O&M field and the advancement of LLM-based agents, we conclude thatLLM-based agents have significant advantages in understanding, generating, planning,decision-making, and action, and are able to effectively respond to the challenges facing the bridgeO&M field. The framework of LLM-based agents proposed in this study covers several key aspects suchas data sources, knowledge ontology construction and model evaluation, which provides strong supportfor the intelligent development of the bridge O&M domain. Meanwhile, we also explore the applicationprospect of this LLM-based agents in the bridge O&M field, and believe that it has a broad developmentspace. However, the application of LLM-based agents to the field of bridge operation andmaintenance still faces problems such as professional barriers and engineering ethics, which areimportant directions that need to be focused on and solved in future research. Overall, this studyprovides new ideas and methods for the development of intelligence in the field of bridge operationand maintenance, which is expected to promote the progress of the whole industry.


We thank the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFC3801100) for financial support.


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  • Lafferty\BBA Zhai \APACyear2001\APACinsertmetastarlafferty2001document{APACrefauthors}Lafferty, J.\BCBT\BBA Zhai, C.\APACrefYearMonthDay2001.\BBOQ\APACrefatitleDocument language models, query models, and risk minimization for information retrieval Document language models, query models, and risk minimization for information retrieval.\BBCQ\BIn \APACrefbtitleProceedings of the 24th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval Proceedings of the 24th annual international acm sigir conference on research and development in information retrieval(\BPGS111–119).\PrintBackRefs\CurrentBib
  • Lewis\BOthers. \APACyear2020\APACinsertmetastarlewis2020retrieval{APACrefauthors}Lewis, P., Perez, E., Piktus, A., Petroni, F., Karpukhin, V., Goyal, N.\BDBLothers\APACrefYearMonthDay2020.\BBOQ\APACrefatitleRetrieval-augmented generation for knowledge-intensive nlp tasks Retrieval-augmented generation for knowledge-intensive nlp tasks.\BBCQ\APACjournalVolNumPagesAdvances in Neural Information Processing Systems339459–9474.\PrintBackRefs\CurrentBib
  • Lilleberg\BOthers. \APACyear2015\APACinsertmetastarlilleberg2015support{APACrefauthors}Lilleberg, J., Zhu, Y.\BCBL\BBA Zhang, Y.\APACrefYearMonthDay2015.\BBOQ\APACrefatitleSupport vector machines and word2vec for text classification with semantic features Support vector machines and word2vec for text classification with semantic features.\BBCQ\BIn \APACrefbtitle2015 IEEE 14th International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI* CC) 2015 ieee 14th international conference on cognitive informatics & cognitive computing (icci* cc)(\BPGS136–140).\PrintBackRefs\CurrentBib
  • J.Liu\BOthers. \APACyear2021\APACinsertmetastarliu2021knowledge{APACrefauthors}Liu, J., Schmid, F., Li, K.\BCBL\BBA Zheng, W.\APACrefYearMonthDay2021.\BBOQ\APACrefatitleA knowledge graph-based approach for exploring railway operational accidents A knowledge graph-based approach for exploring railway operational accidents.\BBCQ\APACjournalVolNumPagesReliability engineering & system safety207107352.\PrintBackRefs\CurrentBib
  • Y.Liu\BOthers. \APACyear2023\APACinsertmetastarliu2023summary{APACrefauthors}Liu, Y., Han, T., Ma, S., Zhang, J., Yang, Y., Tian, J.\BDBLothers\APACrefYearMonthDay2023.\BBOQ\APACrefatitleSummary of chatgpt-related research and perspective towards the future of large language models Summary of chatgpt-related research and perspective towards the future of large language models.\BBCQ\APACjournalVolNumPagesMeta-Radiology100017.\PrintBackRefs\CurrentBib
  • Y.Liu\BOthers. \APACyear2024\APACinsertmetastarliu2024understanding{APACrefauthors}Liu, Y., He, H., Han, T., Zhang, X., Liu, M., Tian, J.\BDBLothers\APACrefYearMonthDay2024.\BBOQ\APACrefatitleUnderstanding llms: A comprehensive overview from training to inference Understanding llms: A comprehensive overview from training to inference.\BBCQ\APACjournalVolNumPagesarXiv preprint arXiv:2401.02038.\PrintBackRefs\CurrentBib
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  • Maes \APACyear1990\APACinsertmetastarmaes1990designing{APACrefauthors}Maes, P.\APACrefYear1990.\APACrefbtitleDesigning autonomous agents: Theory and practice from biology to engineering and back Designing autonomous agents: Theory and practice from biology to engineering and back.\APACaddressPublisherMIT press.\PrintBackRefs\CurrentBib
  • MandićIvanković\BOthers. \APACyear2019\APACinsertmetastarmandic2019european{APACrefauthors}MandićIvanković, A., Strauss, A.\BCBL\BBA Sousa, H.\APACrefYearMonthDay2019.\BBOQ\APACrefatitleEuropean review of performance indicators towards sustainable road bridge management European review of performance indicators towards sustainable road bridge management.\BBCQ\BIn \APACrefbtitleProceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Engineering Sustainability Proceedings of the institution of civil engineers-engineering sustainability(\BVOL173, \BPGS109–124).\PrintBackRefs\CurrentBib
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  • Morin\BBA Bengio \APACyear2005\APACinsertmetastarmorin2005hierarchical{APACrefauthors}Morin, F.\BCBT\BBA Bengio, Y.\APACrefYearMonthDay2005.\BBOQ\APACrefatitleHierarchical probabilistic neural network language model Hierarchical probabilistic neural network language model.\BBCQ\BIn \APACrefbtitleInternational workshop on artificial intelligence and statistics International workshop on artificial intelligence and statistics(\BPGS246–252).\PrintBackRefs\CurrentBib
  • Nadkarni\BOthers. \APACyear2011\APACinsertmetastarnadkarni2011natural{APACrefauthors}Nadkarni, P\BPBIM., Ohno-Machado, L.\BCBL\BBA Chapman, W\BPBIW.\APACrefYearMonthDay2011.\BBOQ\APACrefatitleNatural language processing: an introduction Natural language processing: an introduction.\BBCQ\APACjournalVolNumPagesJournal of the American Medical Informatics Association185544–551.\PrintBackRefs\CurrentBib
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  • Nogueri Alonso \APACyear1950\APACinsertmetastarnoguer1950key{APACrefauthors}Nogueri Alonso, M.\APACrefYearMonthDay1950.\BBOQ\APACrefatitleKey Milestones in Natural Language Processing (NLP) 1950-2024 Key milestones in natural language processing (nlp) 1950-2024.\BBCQ\APACjournalVolNumPagesKey Milestones in Natural Language Processing (NLP)2024.\PrintBackRefs\CurrentBib
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  • Park\BOthers. \APACyear2021\APACinsertmetastarpark2021bridge{APACrefauthors}Park, J., Lee, J.\BCBL\BBA Sohn, K.\APACrefYearMonthDay2021.\BBOQ\APACrefatitleBridge to answer: Structure-aware graph interaction network for video question answering Bridge to answer: Structure-aware graph interaction network for video question answering.\BBCQ\BIn \APACrefbtitleProceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern recognition Proceedings of the ieee/cvf conference on computer vision and pattern recognition(\BPGS15526–15535).\PrintBackRefs\CurrentBib
  • Qian\BOthers. \APACyear2022\APACinsertmetastarqian2022limitations{APACrefauthors}Qian, J., Wang, H., Li, Z., Li, S.\BCBL\BBA Yan, X.\APACrefYearMonthDay2022.\BBOQ\APACrefatitleLimitations of language models in arithmetic and symbolic induction Limitations of language models in arithmetic and symbolic induction.\BBCQ\APACjournalVolNumPagesarXiv preprint arXiv:2208.05051.\PrintBackRefs\CurrentBib
  • Radiya-Dixit\BBA Wang \APACyear2020\APACinsertmetastarradiya2020fine{APACrefauthors}Radiya-Dixit, E.\BCBT\BBA Wang, X.\APACrefYearMonthDay2020.\BBOQ\APACrefatitleHow fine can fine-tuning be? learning efficient language models How fine can fine-tuning be? learning efficient language models.\BBCQ\BIn \APACrefbtitleInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics International conference on artificial intelligence and statistics(\BPGS2435–2443).\PrintBackRefs\CurrentBib
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  • Schoppers \APACyear1987\APACinsertmetastarschoppers1987universal{APACrefauthors}Schoppers, M.\APACrefYearMonthDay1987.\BBOQ\APACrefatitleUniversal Plans for Reactive Robots in Unpredictable Environments. Universal plans for reactive robots in unpredictable environments.\BBCQ\BIn \APACrefbtitleIJCAI Ijcai(\BVOL87, \BPGS1039–1046).\PrintBackRefs\CurrentBib
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  • Söderqvist\BBA Veijola \APACyear1998\APACinsertmetastarsoderqvist1998finnish{APACrefauthors}Söderqvist, M\BHBIK.\BCBT\BBA Veijola, M.\APACrefYearMonthDay1998.\BBOQ\APACrefatitleThe Finnish bridge management system The finnish bridge management system.\BBCQ\APACjournalVolNumPagesStructural engineering international84315–319.\PrintBackRefs\CurrentBib
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  • Zareian\BOthers. \APACyear2020\APACinsertmetastarzareian2020bridging{APACrefauthors}Zareian, A., Karaman, S.\BCBL\BBA Chang, S\BHBIF.\APACrefYearMonthDay2020.\BBOQ\APACrefatitleBridging knowledge graphs to generate scene graphs Bridging knowledge graphs to generate scene graphs.\BBCQ\BIn \APACrefbtitleComputer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23–28, 2020, Proceedings, Part XXIII 16 Computer vision–eccv 2020: 16th european conference, glasgow, uk, august 23–28, 2020, proceedings, part xxiii 16(\BPGS606–623).\PrintBackRefs\CurrentBib
  • Zhai\BOthers. \APACyear2008\APACinsertmetastarzhai2008statistical{APACrefauthors}Zhai, C.\BCBT\BOthersPeriod.\APACrefYearMonthDay2008.\BBOQ\APACrefatitleStatistical language models for information retrieval a critical review Statistical language models for information retrieval a critical review.\BBCQ\APACjournalVolNumPagesFoundations and Trends® in Information Retrieval23137–213.\PrintBackRefs\CurrentBib
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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Views: 6230

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Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.